Diary Entry 1, 3/3/23.

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Authors note--

Oh, Hi. I can't believe you cared to actually get to this part. If you did, Hi! My name is Levi. I hope you enjoy these songs. Also, have a great day!

It was a beautiful day in Mushroomlandious. The birds were singing, the sky was blue, and everyone was perfectly fine. The fairies were flying towards Mushroom Cove, known as the most beautiful place in Mushroomlandious.  Ah yes, I had forgotten to tell you what species live here in Mushroomlandious! Oh! My name is Marcus. I'm a mushroom fairy.                                                               So, there are Many fairies in Mushroomlandious. SOOO, there are Mushroom fairies, Air fairies, Water Fairies, Fire fairies, and Plant fairies.  There are also Fire Ally Cats, Water Angels, Diamond Wolves, and Magical Girls/Boys.                                                                                                                          I was hanging out with my best friend EVER named Nolan on Monday, and we were talking about who we liked. If I'm being honest, I like Nolan. I've known him since we were 3 years old, and we have been best friends since. I don't know how I'm gonna tell him, but I- I  just don't know. I have had a crush on Nolan since I was just a little fairy. Nolan is a Fire Wolf/Phoenix. I don't know, he just is- he just is different. When we were playing truth or dare, he dared me to ask out my crush. I said, 

" No! W-why would I do that? They don't like me back. No way." I muttered.

 I didn't know what to do after that. He just looked at me and smiled. I got so quiet. Too quiet. Uncomfortably quiet. My face was beet red, and I looked down at my legs the whole time he stared. He finally spoke and said,

 " I bet that someone likes you back. Someone like you is a person anyone would want to date. Even me!" 

I sat in shock.  A single tear fell down my face, and off my chin. My nose was red, and my cheeks were as bright as the sky. 

" O-oh.." I whispered. " Why are you crying?" He said calmly.

 I could tell he was trying to comfort me. I didn't know what to say at that point. I just ran out of words. He just stared at me, wondering what was wrong. Then, he scooted closer to me and gave me a bear hug. I didn't hug him back, cause I was too busy thinking of what he said. I'm so stupid! That was probably my one chance of touching him! God, rereading this makes it sound so weird. I just should've taken that hug.  I like him. I love him. My face was completely pink. I muttered, 

" I-i'm sorry."

 I then got up and left. He looked at me, and I looked at him. I walked out of the cave, and went back home. I told Annabelle and Chris about what had happened. I was crying when I got home, and they were worried. 

"I'll text him, I'll see what he feels." 

Chris said. Annabelle gave me a hug, and then I went to my room.   Chris had texted me saying that Nolan didn't think that what he had said was a bad thing. He thought of it as a compliment. I ended up going to sleep, I was trying to get everything off my mind. It really wasn't a bad thing! I was just really happy.    The next day, I spoke to Nolan as if nothing happened. He looked so confused, then he said,

 " Hey, If what I had said yesterday hurt you, I'm sorry."

 I looked him dead in the eye and said, 

" You didn't. I was happy you said that. I just didn't know how to respond. The truth is, I-I like you."

 He looked at me. He chuckled, then walked closer to me. " I like you too." 

He then grabbed my hand and took me to the Flower House. ( Our hangout, which I so proudly built. )          He sat on the flower bed ( which I also built ) with his hand patting an empty spot for me to sit on. I sat next to him, and he scooted closer to me again. He whispered, 

" Can I kiss you?" into my ear.

 And I said yes, then he kissed me so softly it felt like a newly bought pillow.  My face turned red, and I didn't know what to do. I then kissed him again, and we MAAYBBEEE made out for 30 minutes. NO we did not do anything weird. We aren't even dating. Were both 21, but he is 4 months older than me.                                                                                                                                                         So, after that, he held my hand and wrote his address. Like- his actual one. We all live together in our so-called 'Bestie Group Meeting House' We all built it. We never really use it for group meetings, we just hang out there. I used my mushroom/plant ability to make decor in the rooms, spicing it up to their specific aesthetic. Chris is a water fairy, and he used his wings to make fountains and ice. Nolan had made a fireplace and chandelier. You get the point. Anyways, he took me to his house and showed me around. I had never been to his Mushroomlandious house. I've been to his parents'house to meet them, but never HIS house. He said he bought it because he was too lazy to build it himself. 

We then hung out there for the day, then we went back to the Group House. 

"Damn where were you guys all day?"

 Iris and Zyla said. "We were-" " We were at my house, why?" Nolan cut me off.  

   "YOU HAVE A HOUSE???" Komi said.

 She's one of our newer group members. Whenever we befriend someone, we build them a part in the house.  

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