Diary Entry 2, 3-9-23

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Authors Note---

This story has taken me forEVER. But, I'm quite shocked that you wanna read this! And I thank you for that. Again, enjoy the music!

Back with the me and Nolan situation, STUFF HAS BEEN AMAZING SINCE THE OTHER DAY! I need to chill out- I CAN'T! AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!! I love him sOoOOOoo much! Okay, so, here's the story.

ANYWAYS MAYONNAISE- uh- so! We all went to Nolan's house to see what it looked like cause nobody other than me knew, " Why didn't you tell us you dipshit!" 

Zyla said. Zyla is like the overprotective girlfriend everyone needs. This one time she smacked a dude who was looking at Iris's booty, which I found hilarious. He deserved it though. Anyways, I laughed OFC! I mean, who wouldn't? I keep saying anyways-. But like- OMFG-. Me, Zyla, Nolan, and everyone else except Annabelle cuz she got the gastrointestinal illness.  It's basically just like the flu- but worse. 

Nolan gave them a house tour, and everyone loved it! His house was very modern, which is why everyone thought that it was cool. You see, nobody in Mushroomlandious EVER has a normal house. Everyone has a house that relates to them, he said he had built it top, to bottom. 

" I didn't want it to be like a scene or something." Nolan  said. 

He knew that it was a crazy thing, but that's also not why I'm so happy. Alright... 






 OK, OK CALM DOWN CALM DOWN!  Anywayssssssss... SO, we went on our first date on Wednesday, and it was so fun! We went to an arcade and played all the games there, and it was such a cute scene! Just imagine a GAY AS PHUQ couple hanging out at the arcade! Wouldn't that be cute? I love him so much! 

The thing is, I didn't even tell him I wanted to be with him yet! I SWEAR! I told him I liked him, yeah, but I didn't say I wanted to date him. I'm not saying I never wanted to date him, I'm saying I didn't ask. 

( Next day ) Alright, so I'm honestly PISSED! SO, we all hung out at Blossom Tree Forest, which is one of the most beautiful places in Mushroomlandious. Personally, I like Mushroom Cove better. Anyways, we were all just minding ourselves, and some girl came up to us! 

"You guys look comfortable! Want to be friends?" The girl said, with a huge grin on her face. 

I can tell Komi got bad vibes from her. She can recognize that stuff. " S-sure."Iris said. 

" No." Zyla said. 

I chuckled a bit. I saw Nolan give the girl a side eye, like a warning. The girl caught him, and Nolan looked away. 

" Why should we be your friend?"  Komi said sternly.

 The girl was stunned, and didn't answer. She then tried to hide her eyes when she rolled them at Komi. She didn't answer her, so Komi just stared at her. The girl then sat next to Nolan and said, 

" Hi! What's your name?"

 I gave her a death stare. " My name-" " His name's Nolan. Why do you need to know?"

 Nolan looked at me and laughed.

 " I-I just want friends!"

 She then started to pretend to cry. Everyone could tell that she was faking, but I laughed at her. Komi died of laughter, Zyla was ROLLING-. Nolan had headphones in and couldn't hear anything.  The girl then PUT HER LEG ON  NOLAN. We all stared at her in shock. 

" You're nice, right?"

  I then grabbed her leg and pushed it off.

 " Fuck off whore." 

Zyla said. Nolan moved to the other side of me because we were sitting next to each other. The girl scoffed and said

 " Why are you guys so mad? This is my new boyfriend, right, Nolan?"

 Nolan still couldn't hear her so he just looked away. 


 I yelled. She looked at me in shock.

 " Why are YOU being so protective over him?"

 Oh yeah! I forgot to say that we haven't told anyone that we're like a thing yet. I looked at Nolan, and asked if I should say why. I was quiet for like 20 seconds. Komi messaged me through the mind, 

" I know you guys are dating, you should say! We'll be super supportive!" 

I told her, " Yeah but I don't know if Nolan's ready!" 

She then said, " I'll ask him. I'm sure he'll say yes since this bum ass ho is here." 

I giggled a bit. " Why are you laughing huh? You don't wanna answer me that bad huh? You should have stayed quiet."

 I stood up. Nolan also stood up. We all literally stood up circling here as if we were gonna sacrifice her. ( Which we would ) Nolan sighed, then said 

" We're dating."

 I turned as red as a beet. The girl looked at me and said, 

" No you guys aren't. If you are, KISS."

 Komi looked at me with approval. Zyla's face lit up. " OMG DO IT!" Iris said.

 Nolan walked up to me, and put my back against a tree. 

"A-are you sure we should?" I whispered.

 " I'm sure." Nolan said.

 He then pulled me in and kissed me softly, making me melt. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!"Komi screeched. 

"Good job little bro!" Zyla said. 


 God this is tiring! I'm gonna go to bed, then finish tomorrow. Nolan said good-night haha!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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