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It was dark and windy. It was probably one of the few coldest nights I've ever experienced in the world of Remnant. I shuddered to the cold as I roamed the streets of Vale. The city of one of the four Kingdoms. How funny. One of the nicest cities and I'm roaming the outskirts in the cold. Each step I take, the more exhausted I become. Why did we have to move further out? Couldn't we have stayed? It was then the smell of garbage and other questionable substance pierced my sense of smell. I flinched upon the scent. I turned to face where the smell was coming from. I faced an alleyway, emitting a fear in me.

"I guess this is it. She did mention I'd know by the smell," I muttered to myself.

I continue onwards, upon entering the alleyway, I entered what I considered to be gas with how terrible it smelled. I gagged and blocked my mouth with my hand. I struggled to even move forward, but I persisted and trembled as I took a step. Then I moved my foot again to take another. I moved on forward, determined to get some warmth after this trip across the city. I focused my mind on myself, doing the best I could to prevent myself from vomiting. That was until my train of thought broke from a familiar voice.

"Hey (Y/N), how's my favourite kid doing?"

I looked up in shock to see a familiar orange-haired friend of mine that disappeared a couple of years back. He appeared to be wearing a dirty olive-green suit jacket. It looked wealthy but definitely got dirtier over time. The rest of his clothes were raggedy and worn, but he almost imposes as a fine gentleman if he wasn't covered in dirt.

"Just to let you know, pal. You've passed the musty smell already."

I move my hands away and look around suspiciously. I turned around and noticed how far I've walked away from the entrance. I glanced back at my friend that I know as Roman Torchwick. He had a look of eagerness as I took a deep breath in. I gagged as the disgusting smell still lingered around me.

"Hahaha! The smell obviously is still on you," Roman laughed. "I don't know when we'll be able to move again. So, you'll have to get used to the smell. It's honestly not so bad, the smell will feel numb in due time."

"It's nice to see you again, Mr. Torchwick. Where did you go? Why did you leave?" I replied, anxious and worried about his return. "Neo told me you'd be back soon."

Roman smirked upon hearing Neo's name. He gestured for me to follow him, and I did. Roman may have disappeared and left Neopolitan and I alone, but I trusted this man with my life. He's been protecting the both of us of as long as I can remember. Roman's a criminal, but he's a good criminal. He's like the modern-day Robin Hood. Or... so he's taught us. I strive to grow and help communities just like him.

"All will be answered in due time, (Y/N)," Roman answered. "I see you've gotten yourself some new clothes."

"Ah yeah, Neo managed to use that sewing machine you 'borrowed' a while back," I stated.

"The one that had missing parts? She must've gone out of her way to fix it." Roman muttered.

We continued down the alleyway until we halted at a blockade of dumpsters and cardboard. I watched as Roman moved forward and started climbing the tower of trash. "As I said, kid. You need to get used to the smell. Climb on up, I'll help you." Roman held on to an open dumpster and raised his other hand out to me. I slowly readied myself and grabbed onto the mountain of trash. I slowly made progress as I climbed.

"Oh? You've gotten better at this." Roman exclaimed.

"Well, being with you. We always needed to get over stuff. So, I did as you told me and kept practice- Woah!"

I misplaced my foot and slipped on one of the trash bags, I closed my eyes and braced myself for the impact against the cold, hard, dirty floor. I recoiled in the air as I felt a tight grip wrap around my wrist. I open my eyes and see the floor still below me, slowly getting further and further away from me. I looked up to see Roman holding my arm. He smiled at me as he slowly pulled me to safety.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09 ⏰

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