Emily, Chelsea, hanna and mikayla, the four best friends, went to the beach the beach had a huge forest behind it there were multiple signs saying DANGER DO NOT ENTER.
The friends all wondered what was dangerous about the forest. Hey guys I'll see you later I'm going in the forest said Chelsea then one by one they each said I'll come. Then they all slowly but secretly clambered over the fenced and started walking through the forest. Woah Emily exclaimed they all looked in Emily's direction and saw a huge old creepy mansion. The front door was broken enough for them to squeeze in they had one torch so they walked and shone the torch in front of them hanna took out her phone and started recording they went through the left side of the mansion all was fine then the went to the left side and opened the door leading to all the other doors. They stepped in and the torch dimmed. They walked through the whole left side except for the last two doors they walked in the first one and was amazed the was a bed and a wash pan in there the bed was open as if some one had just got out of bed and the washpan had perfectly clean water With a few bubbles. They girls were surprised the sighing on the front of the house said 1720 - 1780.