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Yes, you read it correctly.
Monsters such as werewolves, ghosts, ghouls, shapeshifters, wraiths, demons, and angels. Well, we all know they aren't real or among us but what if they were the most important question is, who will be there to save us from these horrifying, vicious, and deadly monsters.
Now I know the supernatural is fictional and not even remotely real but after watching the entire show for the past 2 years till season 15, I really admired how two brothers acted together, fought against all the evil things to save the world, and would give their lives for each other without a second thought.
When I first started watching supernatural in the year 2018 on Amazon Prime, I had no idea that this show will keep me on my toes for the next of its 15 seasons and right from the start of the 1st episode. Although it was very late to begin since it had been already on-air since 2005, I still managed to pick up the pace and binge-watch the entire series in 2 years.
You see supernatural is more than just fighting, saving many people as they can, or solving family issues (the show's motto) it is also about giving the monsters that are innocent second chances and can be trusted to live among normal human beings.
Let's start with the theme of the show, supernatural according to me in simple terms is based on two brothers Sam and Dean Winchesters, hunting bad and evil things, saving many people as they can, and figuring out their family problems.

Starting Journey of Supernatural is quite simple, two brothers on a road trip to find their father (John Winchester) since he went missing and Dean (the older brother) started to worry that something bad might have happened to their father so, he picked Sam (the younger brother) from his college and drove away in their dad's car.

The way was clear, the clues were simple, and their dad wasn't meant to be found till both of them solve a few unsolved cases of werewolves, ghosts, ghouls, shapeshifters, wraiths, and demons. Then there was also this obsession of John Winchester, that he must avenge his wife's death Mary Winchester, by killing the demon who took her away from him and his sons. After Mary's death, not only did John train himself with knowledge and strength to be a great monster hunter but also taught his boys to be just like him and to keep other people safe as well as themselves. But as far as a parent can be a guide in their children's lives and be a protector, Sam was very different from Dean. Sam ran off to college and wanted to stay away from all this monster mess, or one might say horrible and horrifying life. As for Dean, he grew in his dad's shoes, followed every rule, and succeeded but as good as the son he was; he also was a good brother. Dean has always kept an eye on Sam since their childhood days, so that no bad thing can happen to Sam, like a protector or an Angel.
As the road progressed, Dean & Sam kept on looking for answers, answers on their Mom's killer, where is their father and even if he was in good health, why won't he reach out to them.
All, these questions and doubts were troubling for both of the brothers, but even more stressing for Sam, because he left his entire life back at college that he always had dreamt of, being a normal citizen and having a job. But Dean wanted Sam to stick with him because he was afraid to look for their dad alone and do his job alone, both were the finest hunters as John raised them to be, skilled, knowledgeable, and adaptable but one brother was incomplete without another, it was like the moon without stars in the sky. As together they would solve the cases more quickly and have each other's back at anything.

The night Dean picked Sam up, he didn't completely open up, but after solving two cases he started to open up about John's missions and his obsession over that particular demon, who took Mary away.
As Sam was already progressing in his career to become a lawyer, he always gave Dean advice to leave this hunting and be a good son job, where he would always try so hard to impress dad rather than live his own life and have a family.
But Dean, as an elder brother and good son, his first priority would always be Sam's safety and be a protector of his family like John. So, after solving two cases and promising Sam that he would drop him off back at his college dorm, he dropped him back on time and before his first job interview.
As it was written by god or should say in Sam's life written by the devil himself, it didn't take much time for him to return to hunting. Actually, after dropping Sam off at the doorstep right after a few minutes, he was back in the car to stop the demon who took away their mom and Sam's girlfriend.
Jessica (Sam's Girlfriend) was murdered the exact same way as Sam's mother, so just like John, he took an oath that he would find that demon who did this and hunt him down but first find their dad.
After a couple of cases, the boys got to know that, Sam had powers, as a premonition. This gift or curse was given by that same demon who took away Sam's girlfriend and Mary.
The answer to this question will be given very shortly.
While finding John, and almost getting killed by the demon, Dean nearly died, so John made a deal with the same demon to let his son go, and instead of Dean taking him and the special supernatural gun. (This gun was a colt, it was made by a very special gun maker, Samuel Colt, now this gun could kill anything, any supernatural entity.)
After the deal and just a few minutes before the death of John, he told Dean this ugly secret of that Demon and his name, that how he gave Sam his powers and his name is Azazel.
Being the elder brother and protector of his family, Dean kept Sam in line and made sure that no other hunter ever finds out.
The reason for Sam's powers was very simple, the demon (Azazel) wanted an army of powerful people, and Sam was one of them. The biggest surprise was that Sam was Lucifer's vessel (where Lucifer would fit in, by being Sam).

Supernatural is my all-time favorite show, and no amount of words can describe my feeling of mine, how much this show is on top of my TV show's list.
The best thing about this show is how the brothers, supported each other at all times.
I could have written more as, only god knows how many times, I have watched the entire series. Till now I hope I could have given you a little insight into the Supernatural.

I hope if you have not watched it, kindly please do watch it. It is a powerhouse of everything, action, comedy, and drama.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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