Chapter 2 | A Small Token Of Appreciation

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Chapter 2 | A Small Token Of Appreciation

Waking up at dawn the next day, Akira prepared breakfast, kissed her siblings goodbye, and went out first at 5 o'clock in the morning to start on her morning job, which was delivering the daily newspapers in a couple of neighborhoods.

At school, Akira spent her break time at school evading incoming social niceties by fleeing to the roof, which was unexpectedly deserted.

You'd think that more students would find the roof a great place to hang out.

Well, they did. That is until they changed their minds when they found themselves victim to the sun's searing light or the rain's cold droplets, depending on the weather.

Akira was able to easily counter those obstacles by using stray cardboard boxes left scattered to build a makeshift fort that protects her from both heat and water.

Then, after school ended, the teen found herself repeating her pattern from yesterday — she came home, cooked dinner, ate her meal on foot, and clocked in to work.

Luckily, it was currently a lazy night in Yogachi, the cafe she's part-timing at, giving Akari the perfect chance to review her notes she took from that day's lessons.

She wasn't all that worried about getting caught too, as the men were all out to slip a few-minutes smoke in, while the women gathered in one corner to tittle-tattle stories to share. Mostly about the latest news of some famous person's scandal and whatnot.

It was almost at the end of her shift when she overheard something noteworthy.

"Hey, did you hear about the meteorite?"

"Oh my gosh, I did! I can't believe it happened again!"

"Right? It's just so crazy, isn't it?! I mean how can it just— swoosh, just like that?"

As it was a rather unusual conversation topic, Akira's curiosity was piqued. So she turned to the group of staff and asked, "What happened 'again'?"

The ladies eagerly brought her into their circle, always delighted to have another person to gossip with.

"Didn't you see the news? They said that a meteorite was actually predicted to crash into earth in a month, but something made it turn."

"And two months ago, there were supposed to be two meteorites. But something also made them turn away from our planet."

"And don't forget about last year. We could've died to an earth-sized meteor back then— Scary. Just thinking about it gives me the shivers."

"Turn? As in, they all just... turned?" Akira said dubiously.

"Yeah, yeah! Turned, as in a ball bounced off the wall kind of turn."

"No, no, no! Turned, as in a car making a U-turn kind of turn."

"Don't you mean; Turned, as in Oh my God, Toru-san is actually gay! kind of turn?"


"I knew it."

"My Toru-sama is gay?!"

"I don't believe you!!"

"Oh, come on! It's so obvious from the way he dresses!"

Noticing that they're getting off topic, Akira quietly excused herself from the group.

She did some last minute cleaning, before heading off to her midnight job, of which she spent the next four hours working on autopilot. Thankfully, transporting packages from point A to point B doesn't really require that much brain power so her superiors didn't notice her lack of attention in her task.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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