Crazy House, Sane Me

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 Bang, bang bang...BANG, BANG, BANG "SATAN OPEN THIS DOOR!!!!!" Someone yelled, I groaned "Its opened!!!" Maou yelled as he sat up and yawned. The door burst open making the birds perched outside in the tree fly off in a panic, "Wake up, you have explaining to do! Right now!" Emi yelled as she slammed the door closed and walked to he table. "Where is that girl?" She asked looking about the room once she sat at the table "In this lovely box, I refuse to come out and see you monster." I huffed in annoyance, "its to early for this bull crap, go home." Urushihara groaned from atop the box dome, which he slept on. "Its four in the morning Emi, why are you here?" Maou asked "I told you yesterday at the restaurant, I will be over so you can explain the girl, and why she is now living here. So explain demon!? Why is she here, you didnt brain wash her did you!?" Emi looks at Maou with anger "(Y/N), please explain to her... I don't want to deal with this" Ashiya got up "I will make some tea." he headed to the kitchen.

I popped my head out of the box dome and looked up, Urushihara had his head dangling over the edge along with an arm, he was on his stomach as well. "Fine, I shall be awesome and explain." I scooted out of the box like a worm and sat up. "I am only saying this once more! So tell Chiho for me if she asks." I took a deep breath and was about to speak when Emi put her hand in front of my face "Chiho is on her way, Suzuno went to get her a few moments ago. They should be here in an hour or so." Emi put her hand down and looked at me "How dare you shush me!!!" I freak out "I do not just come out of my box from sleep to tell a story of awesomeness to be shushed!!! Get out and wait for Chiho and Suzuno!!! I'm going back to bed!" I shout and head back into the box, turns out Urushihara got in when I was out. "No biggy I shall just get in with him." I thought as I scooted back in as he was snoozing away.

I don't know how long it was but it seemed like five minutes after I went back to bed Maou nudged my head "Time to get up, Chi and Suzuno are here." He whispered softly "We have some nice warm tea too, Ashiya made it." he smirked as I looked at him "Ashiya tea? I wonder if it is as good as Sebastian's tea." I held on to Maou's waist "Pull me out. I'm lazy." I could sense him roll his eyes as he gently grabbed me under my arms, just below my arm pit and easily pull me out. Once sitting at the table I felt the girls eyes on me. Emi was across from me, Chiho to the right of her and Suzuno to the left, Maou was near the closet reading a manga of some sort and Ashiya was in the kitchen making breakfast and of course Urushihara was on his laptop behind me. Suzuno had no expression, Chiho had on a smile, and Emi looked both annoyed and angry.

Ashiya handed me a small cup of tea then headed back to the kitchen. I took a deep breath before starting. "Alright listen up, and listen good. Ever sense I was little, about eight or so, I have been able to transport myself to different dimensions and universes, I come from a different world... no a different earth, It has humans, but magic does not exist as far as we know, and angels and demons ar apart of religions, that so far can't be proven right or wrong. Every human is unique but still normal, except for me, my ability is not know to others on my earth becasue if they found out they would experiment on me, which would most likely kill me, also, where I am from, you are an anime called The Devils a Part Timer, I know everything Emi is the hero from Enta Isla, Suzuno is an assassin for the church, Maou is Satan, Urushihara is Lucifer, one of Satan's demon generals and Ashiya is Alciel another one of Satan's demon generals. Chiho is a normal human girl from this world who was thrown into this." I grabbed my tea and took a sip after my story and waited for the yelling, but it never came. I looked up at Emi then Suzuno "How do I believe that? How do I know your not just a normal human." Emi asked as she rose a brow.

I opened a portal next to me, put my hand in then out with a disk of the anime. "Maybe this can be proof for you, it is a disk I used to download the first and so far only season of the anime you are all in." I turned around and took Uruashihara's laptop and placed it on the table. "Hey I was doing something!" He protested with a pout. I inserted the disk and the anime began a few minutes later.

After a few hours of everyone huddled together to watch it, it was finally over and they all went back to there original spots, I gave Urushihara the laptop back. "Now do you believe me?" I asked as I took a sip of my newly refiled cup of tea. All three girls nod slowly while looking at me "Fine by why are you here? Don't you have school?" Emi asked "I do, but it is on summer break, and I had gotten fired from my job, so I just decided to take a break from my reality and go somewhere else." I explained "So why did you need to know where the school was?" Chiho asked "Becasue my first night here, I used the abandoned room as a home." I shrugged "Then I hacked Uru-kun's laptop and got him and Maou and Ashiya to meet me there, then I moved in." I looked at the clock "Hey Maou don't you and Chiho have to go to work?" I looked over "Oh man! You are right! Come on Chi!" Maou shot up and ran out the door with a flabbergasted Chiho following in a panic. "Sire left in his pajamas..." Ashiya face palmed "I need to go back to the store, Miss Suzuno, would you like to accompany me? " He asked as he put on his shoes by the door "Actually yes, I need to go as well I ran out of milk and rice." Suzuno got up "I got to head to work as well. Ashiya do you trust (Y/N) to stay here with Lucifer all alone, its untelling what might happen." Emi walked out the door with the other two before the door closed I heard Ashiya start up a lecture on her.

"Looks like we are stuck with each other agian Uru-kun." I laid down and stretched "I am sooooo bored. Lets go somewhere." I pouted "Where?" Urushihara groaned "How about that amusement park? The one with 'The most scary hunted house' It sounds fun." I looked over at him and blinked innocently "Sure fine, but we have to leave a note for Ashiya, and it is all your idea. You get in trouble not me." He stood up slowly. "Ok fine with me, I am to adorable to get in trouble anyway." I smirked.

'This is going to be so fun, time to scare a demon' I smirked at my thought.

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