I Dump Your Ass (Elmax)

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'I dump your ass!" Eleven exclaimed to a shocked Mike Wheeler as they stood outside of the Star Court Mall in Hawkins. Eleven's best friend Max Mayfield was both shocked and proud of Eleven; she's finally getting to experience some independence. The two girls left the mall on the bus, and headed back to Eleven's house, ice cream cones in hand and smiles on their faces. Meanwhile, Mike stood outside of the mall unable to process what just happened, while his best friends Lucas Sinclair, Will Byers and Dustin Henderson tried to comfort him. Will was secretly over-joyed about this new development, maybe now we can finally play D&D like we used to... he thought to himself. Though, Mike was devastated. Eleven was his first love, and he screwed it up. He let Eleven's father, Hopper, get into his head and started avoiding her. Now, looking back, he realized how dumb he had been. And now she was gone. Mike was grateful for his friends presence and trying to distract him as they bought him an ice cream and snuck into a horror movie, though, his thoughts were still roaming back to the girl that had just dumped his ass, right there in front of the mall. 

Meanwhile, Max and Eleven were nearly at their stop, Max was beyond proud of Eleven for leaving Mike, and Eleven was proud of herself. Max was still new to the party after finally earning Mike's acceptance, but she felt oddly protective over Eleven, and she didn't really know why. She knew about her past, spending the majority of her life locked in a lab and being treated less than humane. Max was also aware of Eleven's budding romance with Mike- how they began to like each other right after he found her in the woods, soaking wet in a hospital gown, and took her in. 

Eleven was always grateful for Mike's kindness, Lucas was ready to send her away again, and Dustin was just trying to get his friends to stop arguing about the whole thing. Eleven knew that without Mike's help, there was no way she would have made it out into the world alive for very long. Though, as Mike and Eleven's relationship developed, it became unhealthy. They would ditch group activities to hangout alone and make out in Eleven's room. Even Hopper was getting sick of it. Max noticed how much time they were spending together, and how dependent she was on him. Even suggesting that she and Mike should spend some time apart used to make her break out into a panic, though after finally spending a few days apart and with Max's help, she finally realized what she needed to do, and Max was happy to help her do it. 

Though, the one thing Max would never admit to anyone is that in the process of growing closer to the party, she started to develop feelings for Eleven. Despite her feelings, she kept her distance because she knew Mike and Eleven were happy. She wanted nothing more than for Eleven to be happy, she just secretly wished that it could be with her. 

"I'm so proud of you" Max said as she turned her attention from the window to  El, who was sitting quietly, contemplating everything that just happened. "I know. Thank you." Eleven said simply. "You seem sad" Max pointed out. Eleven sighed. "I know that I should not be, I did the right thing.. I dump his ass. But I feel sad for him, I think I hurt his feelings." Max took Eleven's hand for a brief moment as she spoke. She enjoyed the feeling of Eleven's hand in hers. It was warm, and comforting. Eleven smiled at the contact. "Well, maybe you did but that's okay. Remember how he hurt your feelings when we heard him talking last night? When he called us women another species?" Eleven laughed, and nodded in response. Max took this as a signal to keep talking. "I know you might be sad still, but I don't think I've ever seen you as happy as I have the last couple of days." Eleven knew this was true- she hadn't been this happy in her life, ever. 

Suddenly, the bus came to a halt. It was their stop. When they got off the bus and into Eleven's room, she turned to face Max, with an expression on her face that Max took as she needed to say something important. "What is it?" the red headed girl asked. "I uhm. It is bad, I know. Because friends don't lie, but I lied. I stopped loving Mike before today. I thought I needed to spend more time with him and it would come back. It did not." Max listened intensely. This was news to her. "I just didn't want to hurt his feelings. But then I spent the last few days with you and I remember. I remember how it is supposed to feel." Max looked at Eleven, confused. "What do you mean?" Eleven sighed.  "I mean, I remember what it is supposed to feel like. When I first started dating Mike, I felt... all.. weird" she said as she flailed her arms and hands around, trying to convey the feelings. Max laughed, but stopped when she saw the look on Eleven's face. "Sorry" she said quickly. "Max. You make me feel how Mike did. He doesn't anymore. You do." Max was shocked, to say the least. 

Max Mayfield was, for one, speechless. The normally witty teenager who always had a sassy come-back up her sleeve was, for once, out of things to say. Eleven realized this, and started to panic. "You are not saying anything.. did I say something wrong? I'm sorry I will just-" Max stopped her mid sentence before she could continue talking. "No, you didn't say anything wrong, I'm just... shocked?" Max was, in fact, over the moon and trying to contain the urge to jump off the bed and start jumping up and down like an excited little kid. "I actually, uh, have been waiting to hear that for a really long time." Eleven started to take in Max's words before replying. "You have? So what does that mean?' she asked the beautiful red headed girl in front of her. "You make me feel that way too... like... this" she said, making the same hand motions Eleven had made moments ago. Both girls laughed, both out of humor and pure happiness, and relief. "Really?" Eleven asked, her face hopeful. "Yes. Really."

 The two girls looked at each other for a moment, before Eleven moved closer to Max. "Max?" she asked quietly. "Yes?" Max was hoping this would go where she was anticipating it to. " Can I... kiss you?" Eleven's face was already centimeters away from Max's. "Absolutely you can." Before Max knew it, she felt Eleven's lips against hers and suddenly they were the only two people in the world. Nothing and nobody else mattered, no ex-boyfriends, bad step brothers, school. Just the two of them, happy and content. Eleven pulled away after a few seconds, both girls were smiling harder than they had ever smiled before. "I like that" Eleven stated. Max took her hand and replied, "Me too." 

Back at the mall, Mike, Will, Lucas and Dustin were leaving the movie they had snuck into, and started riding on their bikes back to Mike's house. Mike felt numb. He had let his first love go. He was angry, too. Angry at himself and angry at Eleven, he was also angry at Max because maybe had she not spent so much time with Eleven she wouldn't have broken up with him.. maybe he would still have his girlfriend. Though, what Mike failed to realize, but everyone else seemed to, was that he had lost El a long time ago. She felt cold every time they kissed, she felt uncomfortable every time he hugged her. Mike was a good guy, but El quickly realized Mike was a better friend for her than a boyfriend. She never knew what truly liking someone romantically was supposed to feel like until Max. Every time they touched it was like she had been shocked, every time Max looked at her in the eyes she got shy, and now, after kissing her, it felt warm and comforting. Not cold and forced. This is what love is supposed to feel like. 

For now, the girls remained in Eleven's room, soaking up the moment they were sharing together. Eleven was wrapped up in Max's arms, playing with the strands of her long, red hair. Max looked down at the smaller brunette girl, and smiled. This is the best day ever, she thought to herself. Eleven noticed Max looking at her, so she turned her head to meet Max's eyes. "What?" El asked shyly. "Nothing.." Max said, a huge grin on her face. "You're lying. Friends don't lie, why are you smiling like that?" Max smiled even more. "It's nothing, El. I'm just really happy" she said as she started playing with El's hair. "Oh. Me too." El then pushed herself up to kiss Max again, and for the second time that day, the two girls felt like they were the only two people in the world, and everything felt right. 

Another fun fluff story. The next one has a bit more angsty and follows the wnd of season 4, so look forward to that if you're interested!

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