Morning Panic

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Iida's pov: I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, which was 3 or 4 feet away from my bed, placed in the perfect distance to keep any lazy tendencies at bay. Where was I, though? This wasn't my room, though it could've been convincing if it weren't for the difference in the shape and wallpaper. Oh, right, I was in the new dorms that were set up. What day was it? I looked at my calendar and noticed it was break. Thank god. Wait, hadn't I had this exact morning before? Or was I just overthinking things as usual? Maybe I'd just had an odd dream. Either way, I felt the need to check on my brother, so I called him quickly after turning my alarm off.

"Oh, hey Tenya! How are you? It's really nice that you decided to call me today!" Tensei sounded happy to hear from me. 

"Ah, I'm well, thank you for asking! Also, I was wondering, would you like to start having calls every morning? I feel that it might brighten both my day and yours." I was smiling a bit since he was one of my favorite people. My brother was one of the coolest heroes, even cooler than All Might. 

"I'd love to! That's really sweet of you, I really appreciate you thinking about me!" I was glad I could make his day better, even if I felt a bit guilty for some reason. 

"I think about you far more often than you'd think, Tensei, you matter a lot to me."

"Awwww, I think about you a lot too! I've gotta go for now, but feel free to call if you need me, okay?"

"Of course, Tensei." I didn't plan to need to call today, so I'd try my best to not need help. 

"I love youuuuuuuuu!" I could tell he was being genuine, and it was always easy to tell how much he cared. That was one of the reasons I cared about him and looked up to him so much.

"I love you, too. Have a nice day!" I could feel the odd feeling that this morning had held washing away, much to my relief. 

"You too, bye!"

"Goodbye." I could hear him hang up right as I was about to push the hang-up button, so I just put my phone on my bedside table and got ready for my day. I'd remembered everything, just as usual, and double checked for my glasses. It was odd, though, because I usually trusted that I'd put on something as important as a visual aid. I stopped for a moment to appreciate the break because, contrary to popular belief, I didn't enjoy going to class. I often felt underappreciated and overworked in class, especially since I'd taken on almost every single responsibility in 1A. Sure, it was the honorable thing to do, but I was rather tired. My phone buzzed with an angry message from Denki, who had named us "dorm neighbors", telling me not to set my alarm for so early. I needed to avoid angering anyone here, so I sent an apology to him and looked for an alternative. What could wake me up that didn't make sound? I looked up "alarms that wake up heavy sleepers without sound" on my phone, in case I was a heavy sleeper, and found something I thought might work. It was a wearable alarm clock, that looked a bit like a fitness tracking watch, that would send out controlled shocks to wake you up. Apparently, it wasn't too painful, more startling, but it was over 100 dollars. I wouldn't have that kind of money after going shopping for everyone, so I needed to find a way to make money quickly.

I'd pay attention to that later, I needed to go out for the day so no one suspected I was trying to "take it easy". 

Denki's pov: Aww man, I could hear someone's alarm from practically a mile away! I couldn't sleep, and now I was stuck eating the gross cereal the class rep replaced the Fruity Pebbles with. Speaking of the class rep, he walked in quickly and grabbed different foods from the fridge to make breakfast for everyone. He looked at me, looked at the cereal, and looked like he was thinking. "Uhhh, hey Iida!" He looked at me as if he didn't expect me to talk. He was acting differently this morning. 

"Oh, hello Denki! I couldn't help but notice that you seemed upset with the cereal." He looked at the cereal again. 

"Yeah, this one's gross. I at first thought you were gonna keep all the Fruity Pebbles for yourself." He looked like he was thinking, then went to his room without saying anything. That was pretty rude, honestly, I thought he'd at least finish the conversation like usual. But before I could finish being upset about it, he walked back in with the Fruity Pebbles! 

"I didn't realize that you disliked the cereal I put in its place, I thought that both were equally enjoyable. I figured that a healthier option would help us be better prepared for our day. I suppose, since it's break, I could give you this back." He handed it to me and smiled slightly. 

"Really?" He nodded. "Thanks, man! Maybe you're cooler than I thought you were!" I started pouring my cereal quickly so I could eat it before he could change his mind. He started cooking breakfast and pulled out Todoroki's soba to make it too. I didn't think he'd noticed the compliment at first, but he seemed to be happier than he'd been when he first walked in. Todoroki walked in and looked at the soba already being made, then walked back out after muttering, "thanks, I'm going to bed, I'm sleepy." Breakfast was ready faster than usual and set out on the table for everyone before I could even finish eating my cereal, and breakfast even looked better than usual too! Iida grabbed some orange juice and an energy bar, sat beside me, and finished his breakfast pretty quickly. He never ate power bars since they had so much sugar, so why was he eating one today?

"Hey, Iida, I have a question." He looked at me while crumpling the wrapper up. 

"Of course, ask away." He pulled off his glasses to clean them off since he didn't need them to hear my question.

"Why're you acting so different today?" 

"Hmm... I'm not quite sure myself. I feel like today might be a good day for change, I suppose." He looked through his glasses to see where else he needed to clean before continuing. "I do seem to be making observations I wouldn't normally be making and making choices based on them." His hand started to shake a little.

"What kind of observations? Like, are you worrying about stuff?"

"Nothing like that, no. Thank you for your concern though!" He accidentally dropped his glasses when his hands started shaking more. Was he lying to me? That wasn't like him. He picked them up and cleaned them off again, then put them back on. "If you'll excuse me, I must go prepare for the next assignments. I appreciate you taking the time to have breakfast with me!" He bowed and left the room. That was really weird. I followed him quietly, something in my gut told me to, and I could see him moving faster and faster until he got to his room. His breathing was quick and shallow, like if he had a stitch in his side while running, by the time he shut the door. Had he been more tired today than usual? Maybe he was sick? Oh, he probably was sick, which is why he was acting weird today! I decided to tell Aizawa what I thought. 

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