Chapter 1

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Fire, fire everywhere all of my fathers men were dying. I was running through thick, dark red blood trying to get to my mother. As I was running towards her I feel someone yank me back as my mother was shot in the head by the enemy.

I wake up wake up screaming and drenched in sweat. When I usually have these night terrors a maid would be rushing to my aid right away. But not today, they're probably too busy caring for the wounded soldiers downstairs.

I slip on my slippers and head out the door to get a drink of water from the kitchen.

As soon as I open the door I am caught by surprise as I find that a man is standing in front of it "What are you doing." He says in a darkish tone. I look up at his grey eyes. They look tired, he's probably been hired to stand outside my door all night.

"I'm...I'm getting a drink of water." I manage to choke out. He is very tall so when I talk to him I have to look up slightly. "I'll get it for you." He says harshly. "No," I say more confident this time.

"I'd prefer to get it myself." I almost do nothing for myself anymore, not ever since the invasion. I'm always forced to be in my room at all times. I cant even take a walk in my own garden.

I try to move past this tall, mysterious man, but instead he stands in front of me. "You can't go down there." He says looking in my eyes. "Who are you to tell me what I can and Cannot do." I say looking back at him . He looks away,

"You're brothers told me not to let you out of this room till noon tomorrow." He says in a plain voice. Of course they would hire someone to lock me in my room. They've been so overprotective lately.

"Fine, can you please get me a glass of water." I say walking back into my room. He nods and turns to get me some water.

Ever since my mother passed I've sometimes been getting these terrifying dreams of her dying in different ways each time. Most of the people living in the castle are used to my occasional screams in the middle of the night by now. I try to stop my self from having these dreams but its almost impossible.

I sit by my window sill and look out of it . They're are tents set up for soldiers. I wish they could stay in the castle but, theres not enough room for everyone since they're are so many wounded men already staying here.

I am interrupted from my thoughts as I hear a knock on my door. I hurry to open it. As I do he sticks out his hands and hands me the glass. "Thank you." I say and I nod polity dismissing him. I close the door and sit at my desk and write down the dream I had in my journal.

After I'm done writing I look out my window, the sun seemed to be peeking up over the horizon. I get up and look in my bathroom mirror.

I have slight bags under my eyes, from being up half the night, and my hair looks messy and frizzy. I brushed and scrunched through my brown hair.

I decide to try to try to go downstairs again, as I pushed the door slightly I realized the man wasn't there anymore. I shrug and hurry down the stairs before anyone could yell at me.

"Hello Meredith." I say to one of the maids. Meredith and I have become very close throughout this year. She was always there for me when I needed it.

"Hello..." She says not looking at me. This isn't usually her she's always so bubbly and full of life. "Whats wrong." I ask her concerned. "It's Michael," She says. Michael. Her lover. "Is he-" I try to say but she interrupts "No he's not dead, he's wounded." She says looking down at her feet, "Thats good-well not good but, better. I think, I'm sorry." I say embarrassed. "It's alright, I'm sure he's going to be just fine." she says giving me a reassuring smile.

"Aurora," one of my older brothers, Ethan says, "What are you doing down here this early. I thought I sent River to-" "River? his name is River?" I ask out of curiosity. "Yes, now get back to your room, I don't want you seeing any of these wounded men." He says whispering so all of the soldiers laying on the floor in the grand room don't hear.

"I think I can handle it, I would like to help." I say grabbing a warm rag and bringing it to a sick soldier laying on the floor. "Aurora please." he tries to convince me. I sigh.

This must mean a lot to him, my safety. "Okay." I say handing the rag to Meredith to take care of the man. I walk slowly upstairs. All I ever do is stay in my room. Oh, I wish I could be outside.

As I reach my door I turn around to see River sighing in relief. "I leave for one second and you're gone and causing trouble downstairs." He says opening the door for me to go in my bedroom. "I wasn't causing trouble," I cross my arms refusing to go in. "I was trying to help, then Ethan-"

I am broken from my words as I remember something . "Ethan, isn't he going back for battle today?" I try to go back downstairs. "Yes," River says while putting his arm out so I can't pass.

"Please, I need to say bye to him." I say trying to reason with him. "He'll say bye. Just go in, please." He says tiredly. I guess I've caused too much 'trouble' in the castle to resist.

I sigh and walk back into my prison. He thanks me and walk closes the door behind me.

Ethan's leaving again, another 4 months without him and another 4 months of worrying about him not coming home. I lean my back against the door and slide down so i'm sitting with my knees against my chest.

I know that my brothers fighting to protect us, but theres thousands of other men to do it. Why does it have to be him. I silently cry into my knees.

After quite some time of writing in my journal and moping around, I hear a knock on the door. "Come in." I say softly but loud enough for the other person to hear. I see Ethan come into my room and closing the door behind him.

"I'm leaving soo-" Before he can finish I run up and hug his torso. "Please don't leave." I say crying into his chest. "Aurora, I have to." He says putting his head against the top of mine. "No you don't, you can stay here please." "I have to go." He says looking like he might cry.

"Be safe, please." I say looking up at his face. He nods letting go of me. "I promise. I'll come back." I smile at him slightly. "I have to say bye to Nicole." He says giving me a kiss on the head. "Goodbye Aurora. I'll see you soon"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2015 ⏰

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