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𝙖𝙩 𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙧-

"Mm Susannah this is so good." Y/n says, with a mouthful of food. "Y/n, that's disgusting." Laurel comments. Y/n's smile goes away and she looks down and silently eats. "Laur." Susannah says, sternly. "Ok I have some amazing news." Susannah giggles. She runs and gets an envelope and hands it to Y/n. "What's that?" Belly asks, jealousy and curiosity emerging from her. "That's why you had to stop at the club." Laurel scoffs, hate and anger dripping from her voice like venom.

"I pulled some strings and got Y/n an invite to be a debutante." Susannah squeals. Everyone looks at Susannah in surprise. Y/n -stunned- opens the envelope. Jeremiah smiles, sorta sadly. "You gonna do it, Y/n/n?" He asks. "Debbing changes you and takes up a lot of time." He adds. "It's not like anyone gives a shit about me anyway." Y/n says. Susannah looks at Y/n. "Is there one for Belly?" Laurel asks. "Sorry Bells but I could only get one and I thought Y/n would enjoy this more." Susannah apologises. Belly nods but glares at her half sister.  

"But Belly's so much prettier and elegant." Laurel argues. Y/n scoffs softly and stares at the invitation. "Laurel!" Susannah yells. "Well it's true." Laurel argues. Jeremiah's grip on his fork tightens, trying very hard to restrain himself from throwing it at his mother's best friend. 

"I'll do it." Y/n smiles. Susannah claps and laughs. "Good luck, Y/n." Conrad says. Y/n smiles. Y/n and Conrad were never that close but he was always nice to her. "Jeremiah, I had a great idea! How about you be Y/n's escort?" Susannah the matchmaker suggests. "Yeah. I'll do it." Jeremiah smiles. He and Y/n lock eyes. God, he has beautiful eyes, she thinks. "I thought you swore off balls?" Conrad smirks. He, like his mother had always hoped Jeremiah and Y/n would get together. Steven snorts. "Grow up." Y/n and Jeremiah say in unison. They both blush.

"I'm doing it. If that's what you want, Y/n/n?" Jeremiah says, smiling at Y/n. "Y-yeah. No, definitely." She stutters. "Well then that's settled." Susannah smirks. Conrad looks down, trying to hide his smile.

After dinner, everyone started to get changed for the party. Y/n heard Belly crying her room. She didn't care. 


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Y/n goes out to see her brother, Jeremiah and Conrad in the car already. She gets in. Jeremiah is driving with Steven in the passenger seat and Conrad in the back with Y/n. "You look good, Y/n/n." Jeremiah says. Y/n smiles. "Thanks." She says. They stop at the beach. Jeremiah comes over and puts his arm around Y/n's shoulders. "Y/n!" Nicole screams. Y/n runs out of Jeremiah's grip and hugs Nicole. "Ahh so good to see you!" Y/n sighs while hugging her. "You're so pretty!" Nicole squeals. "Aw, you too!" Y/n giggles. "I love what you've done with your hair." Y/n says, looking at Nicole's braids. "Has Conrad told you?" Nicole asks. "Told me what?" She asks. "We're sorta you know..hanging out." Nicole smiles. She looks behind her friend. Y/n turns around to see Conrad. "How could you not tell me, Conrad? I mean it's not like we're besties or anything but Nicole is one of my best friends." Y/n scolds. "Oops?" He says. "Boys." Nicole and Y/n sigh in unison. The three laugh softly before Conrad and Nicole hug and kiss and walk away. 

I hope that's me and Jeremiah one day, Y/n thinks. As soon as she finishes her thought, Jeremiah walks up to her with 2 red plastic cups. "Hey." He says, handing her a beer. "Thanks, Jerebear." She giggles, taking a sip. "Hey is that Belly?" Jeremiah asks. Y/n turns around to where Jeremiah is looking. "Oh my god, it is. Why is she wearing Taylor's I-want-sex-dress?" Y/n gasps. "Her what dress?" Jeremiah gasps in disgust. "You heard me right the first time." Y/n grimaces. Belly trips and sees Conrad and Nicole kissing on the sand. "Conrad?" Belly gasps. Y/n and Jeremiah turn away, not interested in the drama. "You've got goosebumps. Here." He hands her his sage green Champion hoodie. She blushes and puts it on.

A few minutes later people are yelling which makes the two race back. "Conrad!" Jeremiah yells. Belly tries to stop Conrad from continuing to fight with the other guy. "Belly, move back." Y/n tells her sister. "Go away, Y/n." Belly says. Suddenly, Belly is elbowed in the eye. "Oh!" People groan. Jeremiah grabs Conrad and Y/n helps him stay up. They take him to the car and dump him in the back seat. Steven is nowhere to be seen. "Jere, where's Steven?" Y/n asks. Jeremiah shrugs. "Belly, get in." Jeremiah says, turning the engine on. There's a boy standing with her. She's wearing his jacket. "No, I can go with him." Belly says. "Who the hell are you?" Y/n asks the boy. "Uh hi, I'm Cam. Cameron." He says. "Your name's Cam Cameron?" Jeremiah scoffs. "N-no just Cam." He stutters. Y/n rolls her eyes before getting into the passenger seat. "No offence but no." Jeremiah says. "Belly, you can't just get into a stranger's car." Y/n sighs. "He's not a stranger. We know each other from-" Cam and Belly finish the last bit in unison "7th grade Latin convention."

"Yeah no. Belly get in the fucking car." Y/n says, sternly. "Just get in the car." Conrad groans. "Even drunk-ass Conrad knows better." Y/n states. Cam and Belly say their goodbyes and Belly gets in the back with Conrad. "Where's Steven, Y/n?" Belly asks. "I don't fucking know!" Y/n yells. Jeremiah touches Y/n's arm. A cop comes up to the car. "You kids been drinking?" He asks. The kids gulp. 


"Ok thanks. It won't happen again. Bye, officers." Laurel sighs. The door closes. "Are you kidding me?" Laurel turns to the kids. "It's not a big deal." Conrad mutters. "Not a big deal? Getting arrested for underage drinking is a big deal!" Laurel yells. "Conrad? Getting in a fight? Seriously? You're the oldest!" She says. Everyone stays silent. "Oh my god. Were you guys smoking tonight?" Steven scoffs. "Lower your voice. Susannah's sleeping." She says. "Mom. You're the one yelling." Steven points out. "And you? When did you sneak out? How did you get to the party?" Laurel asks Belly. "Um, I walked." Belly admits. "You walked?! Do you know how dangerous it is to walk on the beach, alone and at night? And what the hell are you wearing?" Laurel scolds. "It's Taylor's." Belly mutters. "Yeah, Taylor's I-want-sex-dress." Y/n scoffs. 

Laurel points at Y/n. "You! Don't you dare speak to me, you stupid piece of shit! You, you are the reason my baby girl is like this! Belly used to so sweet but now that she's grown up and has boobs, she's acting like you! You dress like a slut too! This is your fault! You rotten little dumb fucking bitch! My daughter is following your stupid  footsteps!" Laurel yells. Y/n's eyes fill with tears. "What you forget is that I'm your daughter too." Her voice wobbles, tears falling down her cheeks. Y/n walks away to her room.

"Laurel. That was a bitch move." Jeremiah says, before walking away to find Y/n. "I don't like Y/n, Mom. I really don't but at least if Y/n commits suicide, you know you're the reason." Steven sighs before leaving to his room. Conrad walks away without saying anything. 

"Y/n?" Jeremiah walks into her room. "Jere!" Y/n screams. Her pants are down. "Oh my god-Sorry..sorry..Wait what?" Jeremiah stops when he sees red marks all over Y/n's thighs. Y/n pulls up her jeans. "Y/n/n.." He whispers. "Jere, don't." Y/n cries. Jeremiah runs into Y/n's room and hugs her. Y/n sobs into Jeremiah's chest. "It hurts, Jere. It hurts. It hurts so fucking much." Y/n sobs. "I know, angel..You'll be okay.." "I'm gonna go get changed and you should too. I'll sleep here tonight." Jeremiah whispers. Y/n nods.

 Y/n nods

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Jeremiah comes back, wearing a plain navy blue shirt and a navy blue plaid pj pants. "Come here." He whispers. 

And the both of them drifted off to sleep in Y/n's bed with Jeremiah holding her delicate body tightly, never wanting to let go.

𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐀 𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐄𝐋 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑~ Jeremiah Fisher x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now