Way Out There - GeorgeNotFound

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Requested by yet another one of our friends <3

Way Out There - Lord Huron

!!Tw: Death!!


George looks around the grayscale world that he knew was once filled with color. He's been here for a long, long time, and no one has talked to him for the time that he's been here, if not a little longer.

This is until he sees the figure of a woman in the distance. She seems to be wearing a form fitting dress and a very large hat. She gets closer and George can make out some facial features; she's reminiscent of how Wilbur would describe his mother.

"You are a long way from the land that you left. You'd cruised through life and ran into death." She says, her voice seeming to echo.

He's taken aback for a moment. He's not sure what she's here for. Is she trying to manipulate him, like the others? Is she trying to insinuate fear into him?

"If you think that I'm scared, you've got me wrong." George decides to answer back with. This woman is strange, and he doesn't know if he should trust her yet.

"If you don't know my name, you'll know me now." She seems to sense his mistrust, "I belong bodily to the earth, I'm just wearing old bones from those who came first. There are many more flames, when mine is gone. They have built me shrines, and sang me songs."

"You're Kristin, Goddess of Death." George realizes. She is Wilbur's mother.

She nods, "You're a long way from the one you loved."

"I've been tending old flames, lamenting what was and drifting from a land time forgot. If you think that I've changed, you know me not. I belong bodily to the earth, I'm just wearing old bones from those who've came first. I've been unraveling since birth, I'm gonna wander out there and see what I'm worth."

She smiles at George. They now understand to let this body go, and don their true self.

"Can you find me a way out of here?" George asks. They'd like to try and reconcile with the ones they've lost in the chaos.

"There's no road that will lead us back. When you follow the strange trails, they will take you who knows where. If I found a way to stay with you tonight, it'd only make me late for a date I can't escape." She answers back as she starts to walk away from George. "I deeply apologize, but your story has ended. Now, all you can do is wander in the land forgotten."

She fades away into the distance, leaving George there to ponder what might have been.

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