Chapter Two: Floor 99 (Part 2)

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Struggling the breath, Yusei abruptly woke up as he tried to get air back to him. Looking around, he brows raised, but when he tries to stand up, he hit his head against some wood or metal bars.

"What the? Where am I?" Yusei asked himself as he immediately stand on his knees and legs.

"Glad to see that you're awake, Yusei Fudo" the voice said.

Yusei looks around, but it's so dark that his blue eyes couldn't see a thing. "Who's there?" He called out.

"You are currently stuck in a tight wall, though it's big enough for you to crawl in it" the voice said, ignoring his question.

Yusei blinked. "I'm inside of a wall?" He asked.

"That's correct" the voice said, "if you are wondering which floor are you at, you on the 99th floor, along with Jaden Yuki."

"Jaden is here, too?!" Yusei exclaimed, "what did you do to him?"

"Don't worry about it, since you two aren't the only ones who are here."

Yusei's eyes widened as he suddenly thought about Jack, Crow, Leo, Luna, and Akiza. "What did you do to my friends?! If you hurt either of them, especially Leo and Luna, you'll going to pay dearly because of it!"

Yusei remembers full well when Jack told him about his, Leo and Luna's duel against Aporia, and it made him feel sick to his stomach as the twins suffered during the duel, and he also heard that Leo actually died, but all thanks to the Crimson Dragon, Leo because a Signer, with him having the Heart of the Crimson Dragon.

Can't the kids ever catch a break?

"They're at the other floors, though I won't tell you, since you have to find them, all thanks to the mark of the Crimson Dragon."

Well, isn't it just great, he thought when his thoughts stopped. If Jaden is here, could it mean that Yugi is here as well? Who is this? Why would they take my friends, and also how did they know about the Crimson Dragon?

"Who are you?" Yusei demanded.

"Find your way out of the wall, but be careful because once you come out, you going have to run like hell."

The voice stopped.

Signing to himself, Yusei began to crawl his way through the wall. He didn't know how long he was crawling, but his arm started to burn up. Grinding his teeth together, he rubbed his arm softly.

Don't worry, I'm here, but try and find each other, and Leo, whatever you do, make sure you protect your sister, and she'll protect you, Yusei thought, hoping that everyone is alright.

He sniffed, trying to keep himself from throwing up and coughing, because even with the walls dark, he could see dust, and not only that, he could also smell mold. Great, not only that we're kidnapped by some mystery man, but I'm stuck inside of a wall, he thought, hoping that there is some miracle.

Then, he suddenly felt hot. Pulling his shirt, Yusei tried to not to breath, as he knows that dust and mold is both extremely bad.

He can do it!

He can hold his breath!

He can't hold on to his breath any longer, and he started to kick the wood as hard and as quickly as possible. He needs to get out of here, so he can breath.

Finally, he kicked a huge chunk of the wall open, and to his shock, he saw flames blocking his exit. What the hell?!, Yusei thought as his blue eyes widened.

Dark Mansion, A Yu Gi Oh Crossover Fanfiction (Discontinued, Remake Is Up)Where stories live. Discover now