The mafia boss' daughter is a vixen

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Jungkook is gripping the key to the mansion angrily. His boss clearly lost his mind in making him take care or more of like baby sit his daughter. How on earth could a man like him handle a child? Based on his boss' stories, his daughter is a little younger than him for 2 years, not really a child considering he is already 25 years old. But the mafia princess is pampered and well taken care of all her life, surely she does not even know how to cook, clean or anything that has to do with working.

The mafia boss sure has a strong exterior but is more of a softie when it comes to his only daughter. He literally and figuratively protected his daughter from all the harsh realities of life. Now he is wondering why on earth did he tasked him of taking care of his daughter knowing for a fact that he has no patience at all.

The mansion is typical looking. The grandeur is there, the affluence and the extravagant shining. Typical for a mansion but he knows underneath all the nice and grand facade lies secret doors and chambers. His boss is meticulous like that.

"Anybody home?" He shouted at the top of his lungs. The silence is killing him. Then one moment, a sharp knife went flying directly to his face, he's glad he has the reflexes of a true born fighter else he would have died on the spot.

"Woah, such a nice welcome but I came in peace." He stated, showing the emblem of their mafia clan.

In the grand staircase then descended his boss' innocent looking daughter. She surely looks like a porcelain doll with that flawless skin and doll-like face.

"Hello mister, what can I do for you?" She gently asked him.

He stared at her, if not for the fact the he knows the mansion is secluded and only him knows the location of such, he would certainly doubt that it is her who had thrown that knife at him.
"My lady, do you really plan on killing me even without knowing my motives?"

She just chuckled to his query.

"You are not worthy of being on my father's clan if you do not have the ability to even dodge my simple attack."

"Point taken, but your father surely did not informed me that his daughter knows something about combat."

She smirked at me. Her stare giving me a hint that she is no ordinary lady. Well, she's not ordinary in the first place, she's the freaking daughter of a mafia boss but he expected her to be more child-like, subservient even. That is what his boss portrayed her to him.

"I'm sorry if I caught you by surprise. There are so many stray dogs who visited me recently, I need to at least welcome their advances." She stated nonchalantly with no fear or remorse in her soft voice.

He laughed heartily. They do have similarities which he found fascinating. Perhaps he won't be that bored baby sitting this princess.

"I reckon your father already made mention of me?"

"Yes, he said I will have a guess to accompany me for a while. He should have not bothered, I can fully take care of myself."

"Clearly but he should have not expected you to do the household chores? Or you can do it by yourself too?"

She raised her eyebrows, not happy by my mockery.

"You should have known that I have my butler right? That minuscule problem is of no moment."

He wondered then what is his boss motive in letting him baby sit her daughter.

"Oh, your father might have thought you are incapable of protecting yourself then." He taunted her, she visibly gritted her teeth and clenched her fist. Oh, that remark might have hit home. Possible, because his boss is one ancient man who believes patriarchy more than anything.

"You should watch your tongue, you are still in my domain." She vehemently stated then sauntered towards her room never even giving him a glimpse.

He noticed the butler silently standing near the grand staircase, he walked towards him with a friendly smile.

"Welcome sir, please do not mind my lady's hostile welcome. She isn't particularly friendly but I assure you she is a good child."

The butler's fondness towards his lady is evident in his kind and welcoming eyes. He is glad someone like him is guiding her. He knows is boss is a good father but he can be an overwhelming dictator at times.

"This way sir, I will show you your room."

He followed the butler towards the direction also taken by Dahyun, his boss' daughter. Oh, he should  have an inkling already that their room will be adjacent. It is better that way so he can really monitor her safety.

"Please feel at home. You can also call me for anything." The butler said and then bid for goodbye.

Without even changing his clothes, he went and dived unto the bed. His boss always told her that his daughter cannot even hurt a fly, is of weak disposition and very innocent and child-like. Seems like the vixen has many layers he ought to unfold. He's intrigued. Why would she lie to her father like that? Or she's not really lying, perhaps his boss just failed to see his daughter's capabilities.

Whatever the case maybe, he has a mission to accomplish and that is to secure his boss' daughter's safety.

He closed his eyes. He knows that he is a light sleeper thus he has no problem sleeping even on missions. He will not have any problem fighting head on his opponents, what his problem is approaching Dahyun. As much as possible, he wants to make her trust him as her father trusted him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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