info 🏳️‍🌈

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Okay so I wrote this at 3:15am on july,18,22 and it was a impulse decision because I watched a bunch of there videos and I though man I think I could wrote this shi so he we are
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There will be fluff lemon and SMUT which I don't write that often so feel free to leave requests and I will give a list of things I won't write and what I will write
What I won't write
Apiss/shit kinks
B-non consent or rape
C-childplay I will do littlespace just not sexual
F-drug/alcohol related
(There is no offense to people who like those I just don't feel comfortable writing them so you do you I'm just gonna keep myself and my readers comfortable)
2.i will write all most all of the other kinks
B-lemon(probably what I will write most)
3.requests are open please I need ideas
4.if anyone feels uncomfortable with any topics in these stories comment or dm with chapter name and I take it down
5. I will put little emojis at the titles of each story to show what it is it would go like
🐡=light smut ex:makeout/hickeys
🥳=full on sex just pure out homosexual sin
(Don't question the emojiso don't understand them ethier I haven't slept in three days)
6.i hope you enjoy the book and thank you

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