Chapter 27

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Rhyn stared at his mother as she put ice on the back of his head. He watched the look on her face to see if it would change, but she held the same gentle look for as long as she held his head.

"Mom?" Rhys said. He'd moved to sit on the couch with Rhyd. The youngest triplet had a leg draped over his thigh to keep him from getting up. "You knew about Rhyn and Myles?"

Leyana nodded and cast a look over her shoulder. "Yes, Rhys. I've known for quite a while. I was just waiting for someone to say something." She tilted Rhyn's head from side to side. "I don't think you have a concussion. Hold the ice for another twenty minutes."

Rhyn placed his hand over the ice, and hers slipped away. Myles helped RHyn stand and moved towards the love seat. He waited until he was situated before he sat down beside him. He took his hand and held it loosely in his lap. Rhyn sat still, his head leaned against the back of the love seat.

"If you knew," Rhys continued, "why aren't you mad? Any time we keep secrets from you, you scold us."

"Rhys Benjamin, any time you have a secret, you act stupid," Leyana said. Rhyd snorted, covering his nose with his hand to keep from laughing. Rhys slapped his knee. "As for this secret, it never bodes well to push something when one is not ready to tell or isn't ready. I knew about Rhyd when you were in high school."

Rhyd outright laughed. "Only because you found the condoms in the grocery bag. Then you walked outside at the right moment."

"At least you were safe."

"I'm still safe."

Rhyn set the ice pack on the floor. He rubbed his eyes. He couldn't believe his mother already knew. When had she found out, and why hadn't she said anything? He knew she had taught them to value their privacy, but he never thought she'd adhere to those values herself. She usually saw right through them so there was no need for secrets.

Myles squeezed his hand. Rhyn looked over at him. He smiled tightly at him. The middle triplet knew he was trying to apologize without actually saying anything. Rhyn wasn't sure what he was apologizing for though.

"Does anyone want to tell me why you two were fighting?" Leyana continued. She looked steadily between the four boys. "Myles, Rhys only punches people if they hurt his brothers."

"My dad knows about us," Myles said. "It doesn't go along with his plan for me so he's tried and is probably still trying to break us up."

Rhys made a disgruntled noise. "If you call Braylin Connor trying to kiss you as part of the plan, then he's right on track."

Myles flashed his gaze to his friend. "I have already explained it to you. I didn't invite her to the tournament. In fact, I can't stand her. She just wants my family's money. Well, my dad's really. My mom's is sealed away until after I graduate then it becomes mine. No one can touch it."

Leyana held up her hand to keep another fight from brewing. Rhys was gearing up again. "Boys, that's enough."

"Didn't you go to school with Myles's dad?" Rhyd asked.

"I did so I'm well-acquainted with Martin's ways."

She launched into her tale. She'd grown up with Martin and Melvin Dane. Martin was the first born son and thus set to inherit their father's millions. Melvin wasn't expected to do much so his life wasn't as chaotic as Martin's.

When they got into high school, Maurice Dane cracked down on his son's personal life. If Martin wasn't at school, he was studying business and attending social events. He had to network before he went to college so when he did he had the "correct" friends.

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