Chapter 1• Blacked out.

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Four's POV:

"Great, another day another torture." I got up from my bed to make myself breakfast. I live alone since the incident that had happened to my parents. I dont want to think about that.. Shit, the bandages on my arms are really starting to lose hope on me, i quickly grab another new set of white bandages and wrapped them in my arm, i grab my backpack and walk out the house, locking the door. I start to walk on the path where my school is, i hear a voice in the distance. I turn around and it was my childhood friend, x. We've known each other for 17 years now. "Fouurr!! Wait!" I stopped to let x catch up to me, i look at him as he was catching his breath.

"You run so fast, jeez!" "Oh, was i running?" "Yeah!" "Oh." I didn't really felt like i was running, i guess i was. "Aaannyways.. What class do you have today, four?" "Oh, i have math, chemistry, english and history." "Ooh! I do too! Looks like we're going to the same classes!" I liked it when i see x happy, knowing i wont be as happy x ever has. We talked for a good few minutes as we arrived at our school. "Well, we better grab our books if we want to make it in time! Cya fourr!~" "cya, x." We walked in opposite directions because the school assigned the numbers lockers to be on the opposite side of the variables. but for some reason they've decided to.. Merge the alphabets lockers with the numbers, x would sometimes come over to the left side since x had been mistaken as an alphabet a few times. I arrive at my locker, i opened the lock and started to grab my books. After grabbing my books, i closed my locker door and i felt soda fell on my head.. A.. A has done nothing but made half my life here miserable, along side his friends B and P. I turned around to see them giggling. Of course they've done it. I cant do anything to them since they are older than me, and if i harm them I'll get detention.

I walk to the bathroom to wash the soda off my head and face. Later, i heard familiar voices enter. "Hey, dork" "ugh.. What do you want, A?" "Oh.. Nothing, just THIS!" He started slamming my head against the sink 11 times, him and his friends left. I felt my face and looked at my hands. They're so.. Bloody. Im getting used to this, but of course i could feel a few tears fall down my face. Im surely late to class, now. I tried to get up but i kept tripping. My vision got even blury, and before i know it, i blacked out..

X's POV:

Its been a few minutes, four hadn't arrived to math class.. Its like, his favorite subject! He doesn't miss a single class. I dont want him to get in trouble, im gonna look for him. "Erm.. Mr! May i use the bathroom?" "Yeah, sure. Go ahead, dont take too long" i nodded and walked out the classroom, i went inside the bathroom and.. Fours blacked out in a pool of blood!! "FOUR?! A- ARE YOU AWAKE?!" I lifted half his body up to see a huge scar on his face. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! I run out the bathroom to tell my math teacher. "Mr! Four's severely injured in the bathroom!" "Really?! Lead the way, right now!" I directed him to the bathroom. "x! Call the nurses!" "O-okay!!" I ran to the infirmary "HELLO!! Please, help my friend in the bathroom! He's severely injured! Please!" The nurses rushed out the infirmary, please be okay four.

I follow them to the bathroom, he's still blacked out. "Well, we cant do much since we dont really have professional equipments, we just have ice packs." Are they serious?! Why did the principal even- agh.. Doesn't matter! I run to my locker to get my phone and call an ambulance. "H- hello.. Please come to 'equation high'! P- please! M- my friend he.." "Okay, sir, please calm down.. We cant exactly hear what your saying, take a deep breath and tell us." "Okay.. Please come to equation high! My friend he's injured badly.. I- in the.. Face!! Please!" "Okay, help is on the way. Please calm down." "B- but i-" and just like that the caller hung up the phone, how rude.

30 minutes passed and i heard an ambulance outside. My math teacher hurried outside to lead them to the bathroom. The nurses picked up fours halfly lifeless body and put him on the stretcher. "Hey, can i plea-" "no, you cant come, sorry bud. But you can visit him later in the hospital." "okayy..." School was dismissed so i went back home. "Mom! I'm going to be somewhere else, I'll be back by eight!" "Okay, honey!" I ran as fast as i can to economy 17,the hospital four is at. It wasn't far, but far enough for my stomach to hurt.

"H- hello!.. Huff may i.. Visit four?" "Alright, and you are?" "x!" "Okay, his room is number 263" "thank you!" I found the room after a while. I went inside. "F- four?" "x? I- is that you?" Four had bandages wrapped around his face. "Yeah.. Its me, x" i saw down on the bed next to him. "Did A, B and P do this?" ".. No" "Four, please tell me the truth! Im your best friend!" ".. Sigh yeah, they did." "Why can't you stand up for yourself once? Who cares if you get detention?! Just use self defense!" "x, i.. Cant.. Because the last time i did.. They.."

"Well.. They what?" Four was unwilling to respond. "Four?" "Can we talk about something else? I dont feel comfortable staying in this conversation." "Sure, four.. Did the doctors say when you can leave?" "Well, they said i can leave in 10 hours." "Oh, alright" i look at the clock. 7:48 pm "four, i gotta get going home now.." "Okay, x! See you tomorrow" "see ya!" I close the door and run to my house.

~• End of chapter •~

Word count: 1053

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