Chapter 2• Why would he do this?

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Warning! This chapter contains•

•Mentions of overdose

Skip this chapter if you're uncomfortable with these topics.

This chapter is FULLY X's POV. Sorry :'D

Its Tuesday, i dont really feel like going to school. "X!! Get up! You're gonna be late!!" "But moomm! I dont wannaa.." "Oh well, you're going anyways because four is also going today, and he needs help walking since he cant see with the bandages wrapped around on his face." "What the- how did you know four had bandages wrapped around his face?" "Oh, the poor boy was walking home this morning, you should really help him, you know.. Since he's like, your best friend." "Okay, okay.. I'll get going" i grab my backpack and waved bye to my mom "bye! Have fun at school, sweetie!" I closed my door and began heading to fours house.

I unlock the door with a spare key four gave to me, i walk inside. As he heard me he quickly hid something "Who's there?!" "Chill four, its just me, x. We should get going to school now." "Oh yeah, i was just uh.. Drinking water, i- i was about to head to school as well." "Has your.. Face.. Healed now?" "Eh, i dunno. The doctors didn't really say when i should take the bandages off." "Want me to take it off for you?" "Yeah.. I've been dying to see your face" i blushed slightly in that sentence. I slowly unwrapped four's bandages

.. Eehh.. Its.. Not bad.. Just the fact that.. Uh, the scars pretty huge" "yeah, no need to tell me i look hideous, x" "what?! No, no! I didn't mean it like that.. Anyways, we should get going." "Yeah, you're right." Four grabbed his bag, something fell out the pocket "hey, four wait! You-" i look at the item he dropped, 'Depressants' i look at the bottle even more, they were given.. Two days ago?! The bottles almost empty! How can he- no.. He wouldn't..

"X! Are you coming?" "O- oh! Uh.. Yeah!" I shove the bottle in my bag and ran over to four, i need to ask him this, now. "Four?" "Yeah?" He smiled at me sweetly. "Have you.. Been overdosing lately?" He stopped walking and glared at me. "I- i would never! You know that.." "Then what are these?" I pulled the bottle out, he was sweating.. Alot. "Tell me the truth, four. Please?" "x, i- i can explain!" "Well, then explain" "those.. Were.. The neighbors garbage! I was gonna take their garbage out and-" "four, stop.. Just please, tell me the truth.. Don't you trust me?.. I want to help you. But im gonna need an explanation for why you're overdosing.." "Im sorry, x.. I just don't-" four broke down into sobs. "Shh, its okay.. How about.. We skip school today? I'll call us absent." I don't really wanna draw attention since we were in a sidewalk, many people are here too. "Sniffs okay.." We went to fours house since my mom is at work. "How about we go to the guests room?" "Why not your room?" "Its.. Messy.." I mean, how messy could it be? "Oh! I can help tidy it up!" "Erm.. Sure." We enter his room, well.. It wasn't that messy, its actually neat. "Its not messy?" "Oh.. Uhm, yeah. Lets head out." This is awkward.. "I haven't seen your room in months! I wanna see it!" "Oh, well.. Sure, go ahead, just don't check the drawers."

"X, I'll be right back, my boss is calling me." "Okay!" he closed the door, i could hear some conversations between them, but i wont eavesdrop. I look around the room to find so many bandages on the table, i wonder why? My eyes draw attention to the drawer. No x, resist. Its his privacy. But.. What if he.. I mean, he overdoses himself.. I have to. I open the first drawer, seems normal. Its just his homework. I close the first drawer and open the second one. My eyes must be deceiving me.. Holy fuck. I rub my eyes, its very much real. I find a bloody knife, it seemed to be used not long ago, the bloods fresh. The bandages.. That explains it.. I have to stop him. I can't lose him, he's my best friend.. I put the knife where it was and close the drawers. I hop on his bed to wait for him. A few minutes passed and four was done with his call. "Hey x! Sorry i took long! Just him rambling about work, bla bla" "thats okay! Can you come here?" "Eh? Sure, x?" He came closer and sat next to me on the bed. I hug him. "Erm.. X? You okay?" "Yeah, just felt like hugging youu!~" he hugs back, im not stopping here, from this day i will make sure four doesn't do anything stupid to himself. "Oh yeah, did you hear that the school is opening dorms, x?" "Whaa? They are?" "Yep!" Perfect.

"I'll go tell my mom about it, when do students exactly move in there?" "In two days!" "Well, i guess we better pack some stuff with us, maybe starting with yours! I mean, i can help you pack while we're here!" "Eh? Uhm.. x, that won't be necessary.." "Alright.. I'll watch you pack then!" He glared at me, im scared if he suspected i looked in his drawer. ".. Sure" he grabbed his bag and started to pack his homework sheets and other school supplies. "Four, im gonna get some water, I'll be right back!" Im just gonna test him. I leave the room and left the door slightly open, i waited for four to suspect i was gone. I peeked at the door, of course. He quickly shoved the drugs on his bag while i was "gone" I'll just be at the kitchen for a bit since i am kinda thirsty.

4 minutes passed

Im heading back to fours room, he's already done packing. "Im done packing, x!" "Nice! I'll pack when i get home." "I really hope we're roommates!" "Me too!" We both heard a phone ring. Four picked his phone up. "Its my boss.." Four whispered to me. "Hello?" I could hear some things but it wasn't very clear, a few seconds passed and four hung up. "Sorry x, my boss wants me at his office right now.." "But its only 6Pm?.. Dont you work at 9 Am and go home.. At 4Pm?" "Yeah, its odd. It must be urgent, probably. I'll talk to you later, x" four took his jacket and putted it on. "oh, alright, goodbye, four! I'll head back home now" "bye, x!" We both walked outside fours house and turned to different directions. Four headed to his workplace while i headed to my house.

~• End of chapter •~

Word count: 1136


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