Chapter 3: Helping the monkey kings get use to Technology

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Mk drag Ochaco away as Tang hold Pigsy back, trying to calm the angry pig down. They arrive at the Flower Fruit Mountain, which Ochaco notice that King renovated the house to make it bigger since the other version of himself will be living with him for a while.

Now for the question she asked that needed to be answered, Mk turn his head to look at her and said," We're going to help them to get adjust to modern technology. Since you know, some of them are from the past time and they having a hard time to get use to it."

Ochaco blink at him before smiling." Sure! I'll help but Aren't you also know about technology instead dragging me with you?' she pointed out as Mk blink owlishly at her before smiling sheepishly at her." Yeah, forgot about that." he said making Ochaco chuckle.

"Alright then. Let's do this!" Ochaco cheered as she fist bump the air as Mk follow suit." Yeah!"


First mission: Help the monkeys to adjust to modern technology.

Ochaco notice that Uncle seem to be adjusting towards the technology pretty quickly. YunXiang told her that he and Uncle have advance technology back to their home but nothing more advance to this world. Which she understand and she help uncle's question when he saw something that he doesn't know how to do it.

Dasheng, on the other hand will be able to figure out the basic with the help of Ochaco, guiding him. Though Ochaco covered her mouth to muffled her giggles as she saw the baffled and amazed look on his face as he stared at the T.V in front of him." How do you do this?" Dasheng asked her as Ochaco answered as small giggles coming out from her mouth." I do not know how much about it but I think it was made by radio waves." Dasheng's eyes went wide in shock and awe before looking back at the T.V." You use radio waves?!" Ochaco couldn't hold it anymore as she erupted with a fits of giggles as Dasheng called Liuer." Liuer! Liuer, you gotta see this! Come here!" Yeah, Dasheng seems to get use to the technology now.

However, Lucky on the other hand, will be not able to understand. Ochaco first tried to show him the speaker which made the poor girl shriek when Lucky smash it out of surprise since he wasn't expecting it to make noise. Ochaco and Lucky stared at the broken speaker before Lucky blush out of embarrassed as he bow towards Ochaco." I'm sorry! I didn't mean to break it!" He said as Ochaco wave both of her hands around." No! Nononononono! It's fine! You just got startled by it. So it's fine!" she said to him." I thought it was alive." Lucky said as Mk sigh and said," No it wasn't. It was just a bunch of harnessed electricity jumping around with radio waves mixed in." he explained as Lucky blink in surprise and awe but still wary at first.

Ochaco introduce him to the tablet as Mk sat Lucky down him in front of a baby sensory video, which made Ochaco look at Mk with confuse expression on her face. Mk shrug his shoulder." What?" he asked as Ochaco blink owlishly at him and turn her attention back to Lucky, who was now staring at the tablet.

Next day, it was Sunny, Who had one of the most difficult times to figure technology out than the others. He did somehow ended up setting stuff on fire or breaking it, freaking out Ochaco." How did you made to make the oven on fire?!" Ochaco asked at the sheepish monkey, who was tapping his two index finger together. While Mk put the fire away.

Eventually, Mk handed him a nokia and hope for the best. But Sunny manage to break that too." How?" Ochaco asked in shock as she look at Embarrassed monkey." Okay, I'm calling Red son." Mk said as he pull out his phone and start contacting Red Son." I'm bad at this am I?" Sunny asked. Ochaco smile nervously at him and shook her head." I don't think so. You just don't use towards Technology. So you're fine." she said as she pat his head.

Sunny got to learn how to navigate the phone without breaking it thanks to Red Son, who was grumbling about how did he manage to break it.

And there was Sage. . . . . . . 

Yeah, Ochaco handle him a book that says 'Technology for seniors.' Which he was reading it. Then Ochaco's stomach start to growl, telling her that it's time to eat. She start grabbing some bread to toast it as she put on the toaster as she went and open the cabinets to look for something.

While she was distracted, she didn't know that Sage was looking at her in the corner of his eye, before turning his attention back to continued reading the book that Ochaco gave to him.

After few second, the Toaster let out a loud ding, scaring him as he disappeared at the couch. Ochaco heard something making her turn around and saw that Sage wasn't at the couch and the book was now left behind at the couch. Confuse, she looks around finding the monkey.

"Sage?" she asked as she look side to side. It was quiet making her shrug her shoulder and went to grab her toast and put on the plate as she put the butter on her toast bread. As she was eating, she felt something. She then heard a noise that sound like a battle cry." huh?" Ochaco start feeling the ground start to shake as a loud rumble noise could be heard.

She look a where she heard the noise before her eyes went wide to see Sage, heading straight forward in fast pace.


Ochaco let out a terrified shriek before ducking down as Sage crashed on the counter, to where the toaster is. Ochaco, shakily stood up and look at Sage, who was standing and glaring at the destroy toaster in his rock form? She doesn't know. Sage made an eye contact towards to her before freezing a bit. A moment of silence between the two of them before Ochaco eyes rolled back and fall onto her side as she passed out of shock. Sage panic as he quickly caught the unconscious girl in his arms as the door slam open.


"Uh. . . . I mess up."- Sage

"Mess up what Sage?"- Mk

"Um. . . . . I was reading this book the Choco gave to me and I got startle by that thing over there and I Kind a destroy it? Yeah. And I kinda scared the crap out of her so that's why she pass out."- Sage

". . . . . .  You what?"- Mk

"Yeah I mess up."-Sage

First mission: Help the monkeys to adjust to modern technology. COMPLETE!!

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