Chapter 18

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It was very quiet in the house. With the sun long gone, the shadows hid your figure in the darkness of the corridors. You looked around a few places, but there was no one to be found. Fortunately, you saw no evidence of any new Butterfly Girl, or any maid in particular. At least your master didn't replace you so quickly.

Coming to the painted doors, leading to his part, you took a deep breath. You straightened the white hanten that you washed so eagerly and so precisely, it looked like new. Then, you knocked and not awaiting a response, you came in.


Kanroji, Shinobu, Tomioka, Uzui and Rengoku came to assist Shinazugawa with the funeral. The notice about the Butterfly Girls death and Sanemi's state has overflown the entire public opinion of the Pillars. Everyone knew it was a touchy topic. Not only did the Wind Pillar act strange, Shinobu was also devastated to lose yet another part of her family. Sanemi felt even worse because of that. He knew he let the Insect Pillar down. She didn't blame him for that. It could have happened to any one of them.

Kanroji and Shinobu prepared flowers. Rengoku brought a small tombstone with Y/N's name written on it. Shinazugawa wanted to dedicate a part of his garden for that occasion. The small, symbolic grave was ready and they were all standing around it. It was already past sunset, so the lanterns bathed their faces with a soft, yellow light.

Kanroji and Uzui asked Shinobu why did Shinazugawa burden himself with all that for a single Butterfly Girl. It was more obvious to honour her near the Butterfly Estate. Shinobu gave them a look and they knew what was going on. Now they were not only way more sorry for the Wind Pillar, they were also extremely curious about what happened between Y/N and Shinazugawa.

At that very moment no one knew what to say. Kanroji, Tomioka and Uzui came because they respected Shinazugawa. Shinobu came not only because of that, but also for Y/N. Nevertheless, she didn't quite know what to say in front of The Wind Pillar. Rengoku was the first one to speak, not afraid of the tension and not quite aware of the situation between Y/N and Shinazugawa.

''Y/N was the sweetest and the most thoughtful maid I have ever known. She was a friend and a happy soul that anyone would fall in love with from the minute they knew her...'' He started his speech.

Great wording Rengoku...

Shinobu thought as she spotted Sanemi twitching at the word 'love' in their friend's speech.

The Flame Pillar went on for some time. His words were honest and hot headed like always. At the end everyone looked at the grave. It was silent once more.

''Do you wish to say something Shinazugawa?'' Shinobu asked quietly, looking at the white haired male.

''No, please don't add anything.'' They all heard a voice from behind.

All the Pillars turned around, their eyes wide as never. There you were, standing on the terrace. You were holding your stomach, trying not to laugh too hard. It was just too much. You just came to your own funeral. Never have you thought, something like that would happen to you. Looking at the tombstone, at Sanemi, at the rest you just bursted out.

''You really thought I was dead?!'' You choked, laughing so hard.

Because of your snickers you didn't hear angry stomping, coming your way. Suddenly, you were picked up from the earth and crushed in someone's arms. When the first wave of shock let go of you, you spotted that it was no one else than Sanemi. He was holding you tight in his muscular arms, your own hands swinging near his broad shoulders. He hugged you with such force that your legs were hanging in the air. Even though his stance was rough, the hug was sweet and delicate. He didn't want to hurt you in any way.

The rest of the Pillars looked at you two. Kanroji was on cloud nine, finally being able to spot her cold-hearted friend open up to someone. Now, no matter how hard Shinazugawa would deny it, everyone knew.

You on the other side were still taken aback. You just hung there like a flag on the wind, not knowing what to do. You felt something wet on your stomach. Putting your arms around his neck you wanted to comfort him.

''Master Sanemi, are you... crying?''

That's when you felt it. The kick on the butt. Once again you went flying in the air, this time you landed on the tombstone, tilting it. Pushing yourself up, you glared at your master standing on the terrace.

''What was that for?! I'm only telling the truth!'' You shouted.

''Shut up, you know shit!'' He shouted back.

''You know shit! I've had a hard month!''

''Oh, Miss Lost Maid think's she's the only one who had a hard month? Think about me you dumpster!''

''Think about you?! I was thinking about you all the time! That's why I've come back. Hard month? What, there was no one to wash your dirty pants?!'' You were so angry, you didn't spot the light blush on his cheeks when you admitted, you were thinking about him.

Standing up, you walked to the terrace and stepped in the house, mumbling something to yourself. Sanemi glared at you all the time, the blush never leaving his face.


''You rode a cart for a month?'' Kanroji kept asking questions while you told them your story.

They listened to you, some of them in awae. It was actually a pretty crazy one, even for Demon Slayers. What were the chances of you meeting the exactly right people at the exactly right time? Maybe gods were helping you get back home.

''Anyway, I thought by the time I would come back there would be a new maid. I need to say I'm shocked.'' You gave a small laugh at your remark.

''Oh no no! They have been looking for you for nearly a month. Shinazugawa didn't want a new maid.'' Kanroji bursted out.

Sanemi wasn't looking your way, still a bit fuming from earlier. He also didn't want you to see the blush. He didn't have the nerves to deal with it right now.

''Wow, you really like me that much?'' You addressed your master, getting no response.

''We need to celebrate!'' Rengoku stated in his usual, too loud tone. ''I bought this for Shinazugawa to sink his deep sadness, but we might as well use it now!''

Few sake bottles landed on the table with a loud crash. Uzui looked at his Pillar friend with a knowing smile. You had a hard time disobeying people higher rank than you, so you were not getting out of this night alive. 

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