•chapter 8

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Namjoon- ow fuck

he rubbed his arm where he got shoved.

He saw no one other than Jungkook and Jimin and there friends.

Jimin punched him in the eye making him stumble back.

Namjoon- Ow what's your guys problem.

he shoved jimin in his chest making him stumble back.

Jungkook- stay the fuck away from our sister.

Namjoon- "sister" oh so now she's your sister? i see the bruises everyday whenever she leave that hell of a house.

Jungkook- Listen, mind your goddamn business about us got it?

Namjoon- Or what?

Jimin- Just stay away from her

Namjoon- did she tell you were dating?

Jimin and Jungkook eyes widened.

Namjoon- thought so, how about you stay the fuck away from us and mind your fucking business about us.

He shoved them out the way heading to class.

Jimin and Jungkook was MAD at gabriela for dating and not telling them.

Timeskip after classes

Gabriela walked out of math class.

she namjoon waiting for her, she went up to him and kissed him on the cheek.

he turned fully to her and smiled.

Gabriela gasped.

Gabriela- Joonie what happened.

Namjoon grabbed her face and kissed her.

Gabriela- Joonie who did that to you?

Namjoon- i'm fine babe. let's go to lunch now okay?

Gabriela- Okay

they held hands down the hall.

Gabriela kept looking at his eye

They made it to the cafeteria and sat down.

Gabriela- who did that to you namjoon I'm serious.

Namjoon- don't worry about me gabby

Gabriela- stop telling me not worry okay? i'm gonna keep asking so might as well tell me.

Namjoon- your brothers are crazy gabby

Gabriela- They did that to you.

Gabriela never felt more angry in her life. She did not care if she was gonna get hit by them. SHE WAS FURIOUS

Gabriela- How? you told them we were together didn't you?

Namjoon nodded.

Namjoon- listen i have a question to ask you.

Gabriela- what is it?

Namjoon- does Jimin and Jungkook hit you gabby?

Gabriela- no.

Namjoon touched her hand

Namjoon- Now is not the time for lying gabriela.

Gabriela- No.

Namjoon- babe i see the bruises and scars stop lying to me. i know we've only been together for a short time but you can tell me anything gabby.

Gabriela- i know and they don't hit me okay?

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