Chapter 1- Left behind

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My heart is racing, a storm is swirling up around me as I stand still,I'm shaken up with fear and confusion. Apo and Rasbi, did they leave me behind to die by the claws of a 20 foot bloodthirsty creature? it seems ready to kill and destroy anything in its path. I looked towards the two levers,'One for mercy, one for death' Ori had already pulled the first lever, despite the discourse he got when he arrived back to their betrayed group of friends. The first one had been for been for mercy, nobody knew what it had done in the big picture, but it didn't do anything related to death, so it was common knowledge Ori pulled the safe one.

The second lever is for death, the one Apo had pulled, the lever that caused him to get out of its square cell and roam freely.
I slightly stopped panicking and attempted to calm myself down to figure things out, I noticed my surroundings, I could hear Thunder letting down its wrath, I could feel rain trickle down my face. I could hear the sky roar as I put together what had happened. The monster went after them, not me. I'm currently safer than anyone of my friends right now, despite having no food or weapons.

I steered my focus over to a the new area that had opened up along the new monster that had approached. I'm stuck in a Labyrinth with no way out, I could go back to the two half demons who betrayed me and left me for dead, but who's to say the monster hadn't already torn them to pieces? If I were to go back to the clearing, which the doors would be closed due to the rain, I most likely would be attacked by that thing. Or atleast, I'm 99% sure since it went in there direction. It could be back any moment though, I had to make a decision, though there seemed to be only one smart option here.

I dashed towards the new opened doorway, my world was already collapsing around me, or maybe it had already crumbled. I might not see Spidey, Mowhee or anyone else in a very long time, if I could even survive for that long. Rain poured down over me as I made my way into a new life, I dont know what awaits me in section 2, but I hope if I travel far enough there will be help. Other people, maybe a way out of here and maybe a way to gather enough courage to go back and face the monster, face my friends. I just have to hope for my friends safety, and mine in return.

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