Chapter 2- Clearing 2

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A nice calm summer breeze brushed through the glade, I had never been happier. The sun was beaming and there were was a clear sky, Trees surrounded each house, almost hiding each one. Most these houses are identical (Expect for Beks, which is to be expected as her home is a theater stage with elegant royal purple curtains consistently dancing with the wind) Magic, our leader had fallen sick, so she had gotten Krow, the clearings local demon to fetch healing potions from soup to her.

All 13 of my friends (including myself) have full trust in eachother, I have trust in them, and I hope they all have trust in me as well. I woke up to birds chirping and my annoying friend, Tank banging on my door. Tank is probably the only person in the whole glade I feel I fail to get along with; people like to say were one of the closest friends after the wonderful trio of Krow, Percy and Taslia, but I would love to disagree that were worse than any other friendship in our clearing.

My home is filled with all the home essentials you could ever need,a bathroom, a kitchen and a bedroom. How could you not have these things? I slammed my door open right into Tanks face." Ouch, what was that for Ayngel!" Tank exclaimed to me, I had the urge to close the door on him; but decided against it. I rejected the idea of locking my door and throwing away the key so I never would have to look at his mischievous grin because I laid my eyes on Emma walking down the path next to her house, I could barely see her with the large amount of books waying her arms down.

"Seems like Emma is having a hard time with all the books shes gathered, why dont you be a gentleman and go help her out" I suggested, I think Tank heard my giggling when I finished my sentence. Tank pouted "If I'm helping her then your helping her to! I can see your just trying to get me away" Tank wasn't entirely wrong, but she also saw Emma was tired and wanted for someone to help her."Alright Tank, Let's head over to Emma"
Clouds slowly started to pile up inside of the sky. I guessed that this change of weather wouldn't lead to anything to bad.

"Hey Ems! Need a hand?" I gestured over to Emma and her Emerald eyes looked at me for a second, before politely asking if we could help carry some of the books,Emma was worried she might drop some of them. My mood of annoyance quickly shifted and laughter and banter as I helped bourd the books into Tanks arms, Emma wasn't struggling like before as the three of us made our way to her house. I helped pile up the books after waving goodbye to Tank, who had a previous arrangement with two others to go into the maze.

I looked over to Emma, who still hadn't ended piling the few final books on her shelves, as she wanted to be organised."I can help, if you'd like" I tried for it to come of as calm and comforting, although I'm never sure if words come out the way I want them to. She replied by saying "No, it's alright, you've helped me not nearly as much as you had to" Emma gave me a warm smile, which made me feel comforted. "Well someone has to help the author in the clearing, no matter how gruesome your books ate" We both chuckled and I tried to calculate the time on my golden watch. It was now 1pm, Me and Tank had been helping Emma since around 9am and he left around 11:30am. Emma gave me a book free of charge once she finished originating her book, I think I might have time to start reading it by tomorrow. I thanked her and she gave me this guilty look, it seemed like she had forgot to do something and a few seconds later my rising suspicions were correct.

It was normal to want to help fellow friends in the glade, for a whole year and 4 months that has been what we all been used to. We never know or realise everything would change today. Everything would be gone and destroyed today. I Looked up at the sky, the day had started sunny, hot and slightly windy, but clouds now formed and a chill went through my spine. I did my best to ignore it but I couldn't help but dread for the worst, maybe it was just anxiety talking, i dont have any reason to feel this way and my mind could be playing tricks on me, but my body moved itself towards the armory anyways and looked around to see what i could take without anyone noticing, nobody needing to know. I settled for taking just an iron knife and my mind started thinking happy thoughts. I had to be over thinking, nothing could happen to my beloved home, right?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2022 ⏰

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