Gone Again

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Chapter 9- Gone Again

I'm going to need all you guys help to continue it!

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Hope you enjoy!

Christian's POV

I woke up four hours ago, yet I still just lay in bed watching Ruthie sleep.  For years I've watched this girl sleep: always so beautiful, so sweet, always followed her own dreams.

"When are you going to stop staring at me like that?" she question her eyes still.

"How do you know I'm staring?" I asked.

"I can feel your eyes on me," she admitted opening her eyes.

"Let's just spend the day in here together, just hangout and watch movies, like when we little." I suggested.

"Okay," she agreed and I bent down to kiss her forehead.  "You pick the movie; I'll go get junk food."  I was just putting in Jurassic Park as she walked in with a tray full of many kinds of chip, popcorn, marshmallows, pretzels, assorted candy, and soda.  Everything we need to just hangout and relax.

"Ready?" I asked.

She smiled, "One, two, three, play,"

We watched movie after movie having a great time completely dreading for when I build up the courage to tell her.

Ruthie's POV

I loved today just hanging out with Christian not talking about work or school, and even though I love my brother, sister in law and my beautiful niece it was nice not be interrupted.  Just me and him eating unhealthy food and watching movies.  However, little did I know that it was about to be ruined.  "What movie next?" I asked.

"Before we move on I have to tell you something," he said taking hold of my hands.

"Okay what?" I wondered.

"I have another trip to go on," he replied slowly.

"Dang really.  How long this time?" I questioned.

"Two mouths," He admitted.

"Christian we get married in two mouths." I yelled.

"I know, and I'll be back in time for the wedding I promise," he rushed out but I ignore him and from the room straight to Remy and Michael's locking the door behind me.  "Pixie, please come out," he knocked on the door.

"What did you do?" I heard Remy's voice on the other side of the door.

"I have to go another trip for two months," Christian repeated and made my heart sink more.

"You get married in two months," Remy stated.

"I know, and I'll be back before the wedding," Christian started but was cut off.

"You know what just go on your trip," Remy said forcefully.  "Pix let me in," Remy knocked softly.  But I ignore her and laid on the bed curled up crying.


Hope you like it! 

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