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Coming from a wealthy Background, Zain grew up been a very honest, loyal and religious child. At the age of Sixteen Zain was about to finish his High school which is called Senior secondary school in Nigeria in a popular and well known expensive school: The Nigerian Tulip International School.

Being the fifth and last born he had comfort and luxury others will forever wish for, but that never caught his eye or made him feel proud or on top the world like others might do. He had a very loving mother that always gives him an ear whenever something is troubling him, with two elder sisters and two elder brothers, and father who is a disciplinarian that doesn't live with them currently in the capital due to the Nature of his work. 

Because of Zain's honesty and kind gesture towards everyone, he had tons of friends he always treats with love and kindness. They are always proud of him because he treats them with respect they each deserve. He always takes his Salat(prayers) seriously because he is religious and Prayerful.

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