i dont have a d%ck and I still F@ck all of your women

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We arrive at the fairgrounds and lets be clear, im more than terrified. Toni,God bless his whole soul.Hes one of the most down to earth , what you see is what you get type of people. If he cant see, taste or touch something, it didnt exsist.He believes in God just as much as anyone that only attends service on Christmas and Easter so, for him, this was more than entertaining. Me on the otherhand,I had recently started attending my ex's family church. It was a shotgun house turned church.The paster was a young african American married man that ended each service with the'laying of hands and prophesying. I wasnt sure where he got his information but he was always spot on.

Honestly, I was extremely igitaed with my friend for being so nonchalant but that was about to change.We get to the fairgrounds and started searching for the area the concert was being held.Stacy never took her eyes off me.If I took a step to the right she took a step to the right,whole time attempting to make eye contact which I avoided at all costs. She would walk directly in front of me and just stare.I kinda felt like she felt as though I should recognize her.

She never once bothered Toni,just me.As, we walked around she kept the same slow pace so, I walked slower cause the last thing I needed was her walking behind me.I wanted to see what she was doing at all times.I swear, It was as though she could read my mind. I kid you not, im Walking behind her praying, In my mind ,I said,"Stacy ,I dont know what's happening but I want you know I love you".She turned around ,looked at me in disgust and screamed, IS THAT HOW YOU FIGHT ME, WITH LOVE? I DONT HAVE A DICK AND STILL I FUCK ALL OF YOUR WOMEN. I NEED A ARMY OF GODS!

We saw a group of employees standing behind a gate and decided to ask if they could help us find the stage where the concert was being held.Before they could respond,Stacy throws her arms in the air, as if she was conducting a symphony and starts screaming in a different language. Now,not even Toni is laughing. He looked me straight in the eyes , without words, and said Her ass is getting left". We starting walking but not to the concert we were looking for an exit.

This time we walk in front of Stacy at a slightly faster pace but she didn't seem to mind or try to catch up. She just keep slowly walking with a sawy that was almost hypnotizing and a grin on her face.Every once in a while id look back at my old friend until finally the distance between us was too great. It was one of the strangest things I've ever witnessed. Next time I saw Stacy was a few summers later,she was walking down a busy street in mid summer, wearing a black leather trench coat.I was wondering how she was but  could clearly see she was still not herself. I kept driving as if never saw her.

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