Chapter One

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Quan and Jhonni are texting one another.

Jhonni: Quann..
Quan: Wassup Jhonni..
Jhonni: Quann!! I miss you.. How you been doing?
Quan: Nothing I been Alright.
Jhonni: Quann.. You still in the streets?
Quan: Yeah..
Jhonni: Quan, You told me you were going to change...
Quan: And I am..
Jhonni: When.. Because Quan I care to much about you for me to be know you doing this shit...
Quan: Nahh, Jhonni don't worry about me this is how I turned out to be and I gotta go through it... I know thats fucked up but Jhonni everybody life ain't always picture perfect..
Jhonni: Quan, I don't wanna wake up one morning and get news saying you got shot or killed, I want to be able to talk to my best friend every time I feel sad, happy or angry.. I love you too much for me to be seeing you throw your life away like this..
Quan: Ok, Jhonni Imma change it just takes time..
Jhonni: You betta Quan or imma beat yo ass!
Quan: Alright Baby, I love you..
Jhonni: I love you too baby, And stay safe!

I knew that Jhonni really loved me.. And I could tell it really hurted her for me to say I was still dealing in the streets.. But selling dope is the only thing I really grew up to know.. I understand that selling dope is a situation no one would ever want to be in life but Its not my fault I ended up like this, I never had that support I needed as a child and selling dope is the only reason money coming in right now.. But long as I have Jhonni in my life I'll try my best to change!

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Do you think Quan can change his life before its too late and why? (COMMENT)

Do you think Jhonni is doing a good thing by trying to get Quan off the streets? Or should she just mind her business and support Quan with his own decisions and Why? ( COMMENT )

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