Felipe Garcia x Elias Silverbrook

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(A/N - Well, this is practically a shitpost but I'll still post it

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(A/N - Well, this is practically a shitpost but I'll still post it. The original idea came for a ship meme where it was patient x doctor, which made me immediately think what if it was doctor x patient's dad. So, I hope you enjoy lol)


     It was around 2 pm when Felipe heard a knock from the door, sighing slightly as he yelled, "Come in!". He didn't look up from his paperwork as the person knocking walked in. Only when the person sat down did he look up, " How may I hel-" He stopped himself mid sentence as his eyes met with the man's. Visibly exhausted and yet still radiating joy and happiness as he smiled. "Yes, hello,I'm so sorry for the late arrival, I'm here for the appointment I scheduled for my daughter, Simie Silverbrook."

     Felipe quickly returned from his shock and nodded quickly, moving closer to the desk and opening his computer, searching up who he had appointments for. "Silverbrook, Silverbrook, Ah, yes! Here it is, You are Elias Silverbrook, correct? " He said as he turned back to him, getting a nod and a small smile as confirmation. Felipe looked down and saw a small girl curled up in Elias's lap, her head shoved into her father's chest, gripping onto his sweater as he gently ran his hand through her hair.
   "What's seems to be the problem then? She looks like one very healthy girl" He said softly as he looked back up at Elias,
    "She's been sick for two days now, she's been complaining about headaches and is very weak" Elias didn't stop petting Simie as he spoke, the girl only cuddling into him more and more. Felipe nodded softly and stood up, "Alright, may I check her temperature? " Elias nodded and softly ruffled Simie's hair, making her look up at him.
      "Hey, my dear, we're here with the doctor now, is it okay if he checks your temperature? " She nodded softly and moved a bit, sitting to face the now kneeling Doctor. As Felipe started to do the nessesary check-ups, he noticed that Elias talked to her every minute that they say there, making sure to keep her calm and occupied as Felipe quickly finished with everything. If Felipe was being honest with himself, he had also felt slight affects from Elias's voice, it was just too calming and soft not to relax to.
     "Okay, All done! You did great, Simie! Here's a treat for being so relaxed! " He handed her a small lollipop shaped in a heart. Simie smiled and took the lollipop and started to quickly eat it, smiling to herself as she nuzzled up to her dad again, muttering a quiet, "Thank you Doctor" Felipe smiled and nodded, "you're always welcome!" He said as he stood up and sat down at his desk again, turning to Elias. "From what I can tell, she seems to be just having a very strong flu, it's not too bad but you will have to keep her at home and in bed for a few days." Elias was quiet for a second before nodding, "Thank you Dr. Felipe, I'll make sure to do just that then" He said and started to pack his things back up, holding Simie in one arm as he pulled his backpack over his shoulders before finally cradling her in his arms fully, the small girl already asleep.

     Felipe didn't notice just how tall Elias was until he finally stood up in his full hight, appearing to be around 6'8 - 7' feet tall. Elias was almost out of the office when Felipe suddenly jumped up, whisper-yelling the man's name, making him freeze on the spot. Felipe quickly took out a small business card and a lollipop and ran up to the man, handing it to him with a smile, "Um, I just thought that you did really well with Simie and helped me out a lot while I looked at her so I decided to give you this" Elias took the card and lollipop and placed it in his pocket, smiling up at Felips gently, "Thank you too, you helped me out so much, and I would be more than happy to text you sometime for a meet up, see you soon, Doc" And with that, He left, leaving a flustered but very happy felipe behind.

A bit about Elias's kids: Juniper and Simie

So, Both Juniper and Simie are Elias's adopted kids. Juniper being the older kid at 12, being taken in by his new dad when he was 7. Simie being a lot younger at 5 years old, Elias finding her when she was only 1. Juniper was originally a girl who changed their gender when at the daycare, now going by they/them pronouns. Originally they hated Elias cause they thought he would be like their old parents who disowned them cause they weren't like what they expected them to be. So the moment that Elias turned his back to them, letting them decorate their room(which they did, putting up a lot of cool shit that they found in Elias's room), they snuck into his room to try and find any incriminating evidence against him, and as they were shuffling through his shit, they found his trans sweater and many binders as well as tight sports bra's and even a rolled up trans and omni flag in the corner of his room. Realizing that he went through a similar thing as they were going through they took a few things and put everything that they scattered around back. They finished decorating their room and put up the trans flag in their room. When Elias saw it he immediately asked them their pronouns and apologized for not asking it sooner, with them answering that they were trying out going by they right now. In the first few weeks, Elias had a few slip ups, always politely correcting himself and apologizing before continuing on, after three weeks he never slipped up and even helped Simie learn it too. Over time Juniper started to trust Elias more and more, starting to love him as if he was their real dad. They also started to get overprotective of him, which was why at first they were very suspicious of Felipe who they thought was just a man who wanted Elias for his body. But as time went on and Elias and Felipe got closer and closer together, with Felipe moving in with them after around 9-10 months of dating, Juniper started to respect Felipe and calling him father. They still don't feel as close to him as to Elias but they are slowly building trust. Simie on the other hand has known Elias almost her entire life, not even remembering the tragic accident that took her parents's lives. At first Simie was very shy with Felipe but started to trust him and call him father very quickly after Elias and Felipe started dating. Felipe gave her a very special toy for Christmas after he moved in which was a hand crafted wooden truck since she started asking for a car toy since she saw one at the store and Felipe making one for her and even painting it with her, was a memory she would treasure forever.

A bit about Felipe and his backstory:
Felipe was born in Spain, Venice, and lived there until he was 10 with his two sisters, one older and one younger. He was very close to both of his sisters, but unfortunately his parents were gone from the house a lot due to having to work day and night to pay for bills and sustain a household of five, but when ever they had time they would spend their time with them. When Felipe turned 10 he was sent to an expensive boarding school where he stayed until he graduated and enrolled into a medical university in Estonia with a scholarship, starting to live there. His parents and sisters would visit when ever they could but he often just talked to them over phone which he always had with him. He graduated with very high grades and became a very well respected doctor in his field after only a year or two of work.

A bit about Elias and his Backstory:
Elias was born in Estonia but not with the last name Silverbrook, he actually legally changed his last name when he turned 18 as well as his name. He was born as a girl and his parents never gave him much attention, rather than caring for their kid they drank their pains away and yelled at each other. Elias had to grow up very early and started working in a supermarket when he was only 13. From that point on he was paying for almost everything until he moved out at 18. He moved to Tallinn, the capitol and started to work there as a Barista to buy himself a small apartment. Eventually he dropped out and started working in a mechanics shop, fixing cars and small bikes and motorcycles, starting to make more money and eventually having enough to own a big house but he instead moved to a slightly more bigger apartment and adopted his two kids who he lives with now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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