I promise you

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backstory - this is from shivikas future when they got married again after shivaay and family found out about pinkis betrayal and there is no redux world they didn't got separated due to destiny or anything


no one blackmailed or threatened shivaay at night of their wedding


A few months after shivaay and anikas wedding anika started working again because she has been always been passionate about her work ( there is no kalyaani mills incident and veer or roop bua ) and that is why shivaay loved her that how anika have always been independent so at first she worked as a event manager and when she got success on her own she started a company on her own

shivaay insisted many times to take help from him but anika being anika was also stubborn and after sometime when they had daughter anika was doubtfull if she wanted to continue but shivaay insisted her that she should not give up her passion

so she merged her company with oberoi industries and shivaay also helped her a lot with her office work he was also there for taking care of their daughter while anika was working he didn't wanted to leave anika alone in this and wanted to be there for her but there was something else that always used to worry him dont worry you will find out in this part only


i was just closing my laptop and then anika opened my office door

A- you done love ?

S- yeah just a minute

i said and grabbed my car keys and phone

S- come on lets go

then we both got into the car and then I saw that anika was looking really worried and tired I could easily read it on her face

S- what is it anika you look tired

A- these new employees cant do a single thing and on top of that we have got this new client and she literally gives me a headache in every meeting even her manager apologises to me at the end of the meeting

S- ok easy my love easy

S- it will be ok dont take too much stress

A- how do you you used manage it

S- manage what

A- like buissness family everything

A- you have been always been so great at it

A- I mean seriously I know how great you are ever since I have known you

S- anika before you came honestly i felt like my only family was omru and dadi

S- and anika you have worked so much harder than me you started your company with nothing without my or anyones help and you did it on your own and you still do you not only work as a buissness woman but you are mother too

A- shivaay you also do the same thing

S- anika what i have i got from my family this business but you made this company on your own you did everything on your own

A- shiv if you wouldn't have supported me so much emotionally and in each and every way I dont know what I would have done my SSO

A- aww cute singh oberoi is blushing

she said laughing and smiling which is all I want

S- accha chalo please stop it anika

S- ab mughe aese matt dekho let me drive anika

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