"Edit that out"

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Dan's POV
"A wild AmazingPhil has appeared!"

I gleefully announced to the camera in front of me, my ebony haired boyfriend sat next to me and waved to the camera.

"Hello Emily, Hello Susan, Jason, Carrie, Mark, Hello Jessica!" Phil said cheerfully to the webcam, he smiled and his mouth did that tongue thing I love all so much.

"Okay, so I found something that I forgot to put in the Japan Haul!" Phil said, his eyes lighting up as he help up a small figurine.

"Its just so cute and I love it so much! I think its from one of those machines" He continued to ramble on about the small toy but I didn't hear a thing, I was too busy being lost within his atonoshing ocean eyes. Hey, they're really easy to lose yourself in.

"Dan? Daaannnnnn?" My boyfriend said smiling, he waved his hand in front of my face and giggled.

"Anybody in there?" He laughed as he knocked on my head. I shook out of my Phil induced daze and laughed at the actual ray of sunshine before me.

"Yes Philip, I'm here. Just got lost in my thoughts" I said sarcastically, causing a devilish grin to spread across the raven haired boy's face.

"What has got you thinking so hard?" He said, tilting his head slightly like a puppy dog and somehow purposely twinkling his eyes. He knows this drives me insane, all the cute just pours out of him. But I had to hold back.

"Your mum" Is all I could say, you'd think a twenty-four year old would be able to come up with something better.

"Heyyyyyy" Phil pouted lightly punching my arm a few times and looking me in the eye. We were face to face and I didn't pay attention to my surroundings, I kissed him lightly and whispered.

"Edit that out"

"FUCK" I shouted, then realizing this wasn't a video and it was live. The chat was blowing up and I kind of just awkwardly laughed. All of a sudden I heard his soothing voice.

"Might as well break Tumblr more" he said, he then pulled me towards him and kissed me, wrapping his arms around my neck. He smiled into the kiss, knowing what he was doing to all the Phangirls. I wrapped my arms around his torso and giggled, he broke apart and touched our foreheads together.

"Do you realize what we just did, we probably killed like 1,000 people" I laughed and broke from Phil's embrace. Sure enough there were thousands of messages in the chat along with the fanmail things. None of them even remotely close to english. I decided I should probably explain to the Phandom what was going on.

"Yes, Phil and I are a couple. We have been together since 2012, yes I know. The 'No Homo Howell' era, but there was more homo that year than ever before. You guys thought we were good at keeping secrets with the book, and the app, and the tour. But we kept this relationship hidden for like, three years. So yeah, we win. But trust me this is the last of the secrets." I paused for a second and then smirked.

"For now"

A/N wow this was kind of shit and it was really short but its still kinda cute and may or may not be like my dream

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