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Jades POV
I have just gotten back from a weekend at the lab. My brother had been going there regularly for appointments and various things for his PTSD. Will was getting visions and various flashbacks of the upside down. Getting back to school was hard but I had Nancy,Steve,and Johnathan now. I mostly hung out with Steve and Nancy because Johnathan wasn't around as much. I was walked down the hallway with Steve and Nancy when a new guy walks in. He had long blonde curly hair,jeans,and a jean jacket. He was actually pretty cute. He had girls swarming him from the moment he stepped in the door. I mostly ignored him as I continued to walk with Steve. Billy, who I was quickly introduced to became the new 'king' of Hawkins. Steve took Nancy and I to a party that night. Billy greeted us by the door already drunk. He must have been interested in me because after he finished talking to Steve he turned to me. Steve left with Nancy after talking with Billy leaving me with him. I tried to walk by ignoring him but he didn't let that happen. "Now where are you going honey", billy asks me. "Anywhere but here", I replied going to the side of him to walk away. It was Halloween night and I did not want Billy to ruin that. "Hold on what's your name", billy asks grabbing my wrist. "It's Jade Byers now leave me alone", I said quickly walking away. Nancy was already wasted and Steve was trying to get her to stop drinking. I watched Steve accidently spill Nancy's drink on her. She hurries to the bathroom with Steve close behind. I didn't drink anything knowing it was spiked. Steve came lit of the bathroom dazed I watched as he hurried out of the party. I ran out to him "Steve, Steve wait". He paused looking at me and god did he look horrible. "What did she do to you", I whispered to myself. "She told me she didn't love me", he said tearfully. "We'll why don't you go home and take me with you", I said, "ill find a ride home later". He nodded and got in the car. I was about to get in when Billy came out. "Hey Jade what are you doing out here", he asks. "I'm leaving duh", I replied. "Why are you leaving with Harrington", he slurs. "Because I want to now go away", I said hopping in the car. Steve drove home fast. He made it upstairs and in the shower before I went and used his phone. I called my house phone and no one picked up so I left a voicemail. "Hey mom I'm at Steve's right now if you don't come to get me before eleven I'm just going to sleep here. I love you", I ended the voicemail quickly hearing Steve coming down the stairs. Steve talked to me for a bit but I didn't make much out of what he said. He eventually fell asleep on my lap. I was running my fingers through his hair helping him calm down and it eventually put him to sleep. It was already eleven so obviously my mom was letting me stay here. I fell asleep shortly after my hand still in Steve's hair. I woke up to Steve still asleep on me. I decided to make breakfast so I got up slowly moving Steve's head onto the couch. I rummage through Steve's cabinets and find stuff to make pancakes and bacon. Once I finished cooking that I went back over to steve. "Steve wake up", I said shaking him. He only groaned and rolled over. "Steve Harrington you wake up right now", I said loudly. He got up gradually and immediately noticed I was still here because his eyes widened with shock. "Jade I'm so sorry you couldn't get a ride home and you had to stay here", he gushed out quickly. "Steve it's okay plus you fell asleep on me", I said watching steve turn slightly red, "either way I made breakfast for us then you can run me home so I can get ready for school". He gave me a slight nod and we sat down to eat. He took his first bite and said "Jade these are really good". "Thanks Steve", I said giggling. It was about 6:30 AM and school starts at 8:00 AM so we had time. We got done in around fifteen minutes so Steve went to get ready. It took him fifteen minutes to finish before we took a five minute drive to my house. I ran inside and put on jeans and a nice shirt. I also did my hair before running out to Steve. It was about 7:30 AM when we started our journey to school. We got to school at 7:45 and had fifteen more minutes to just hang out. The first bell rung before I made my way to my first class. My last period was P.E. Steve and I had the it at the same time and after we had practice . Billy Hargrove the new kid was beating Steve every time. I saw Steve leave for about five minutes in which his team was getting smoked. Steve came back looking a little relieved but also upset. The boys were told to hit the showers while the girls and I just talked to each other. Chrissy Cunningham was a cheerleader in my grade. Chrissy was really nice and we got along and despite not hanging out much I liked her. When the last bell rang school was out for the day. I immediately went to Steve's car as he was my ride home. I was sitting there til I heard a guys voice say "Jade what a suprise", I turned around to see Billy Hargrove with a red head. "Billy why are you here", I asked looking him up and down judgingly. "I just wanted to ask if you wanted a ride", he said. "Look Billy I'm not looking to be your next one night stand so take yourself away from me", I replied. The red head looked shocked up but then started smirking. "Come on Jade don't be like that I really like you", he said. "Listen Billy maybe some other time I have things to do", I said trying be friendly. The red head seems like she's thinking a lot and suddenly she says "your Jade Byers aren't you", she said confidently.  "I am and who are you", I asked confused. "I'm Max Mayfield, I've met your brother Will",she says polietly. I smile at her slightly. "We'll it's nice to meet you Max I'm guess that you and him are somehow related", I guessed. "Yep", she said almost sounding sad. "Well hope we get to talk again under different circumstances", I said nicely walking over to Steve who was now waiting on me. She waved at me as we left and I waved back. Steve took me straight home not bothering to say a word. I was thankful he was taking me home because with everything going on mom and Jonathan often forgot me. Steve dropped me off at home within five minutes of leaving the school. I walked inside to be met with a freaked out mother and an equally freakout brother. When Will saw me he immediately hugged me. I realized that it was one of his worst days yet when mom began to blubber about it. "Mom why don't you go to sleep and ill watch Will for tonight", I suggested ending her blubbering. "Okay just watch your brother", she said anxiously. I nodded and took Will up to his room so he could relax. He painted for awhile and I read a book till it got late enough I was hungry. "Will", I said interrupting his painting, "are you hungry I can make food". "Yeah I'm hungry can you make spaghetti",Will asked. "Yeah if we have it in the cupboard if not we can run to the store", I told him walking to the kitchen. I rummaged through the cupboards but found nothing. "Hey Will we don't have anything in the cupboard so let's run to the store", I said walking to the phone, "I'm going to see if we can get a ride". I hear him yell, "okay". I picked up the phone and dialded Steve's number knowing he was out of practice. He picked up fast and said "Hey Jade what's up". "I wanted to know if you could take Will and I to the store or if your feeling up to it just going to eat somewhere", I asked. "Yeah we can go eat somewhere ill be there in five", steve says before hanging up. "Will get ready were going out to eat", I told him as I walked to my room to get ready. I left notes on mom's bedside and on the kitchen counter about where Will and I were going. Steve pulled up shortly after that. It only took him six minutes. Will and I walked outside and hopped into his car. We jammed out on our way to the mall. Will was sort of weary of Steve but I made sure to stay close to him and to add him into all our conversations. Steve drove us home after the mall. Mom hadn't even woken up the whole time we were there. I put the food I got mom in the fridge and put a note on it to her. Will had gone to shower while I got ready to shower. Will and I fell asleep in my room together talking to each other about life.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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