Royal dragon AU

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Disclaimer: names and description of the small dragons are not finalized, I might change them later on.

the colors of wings are also not finalized ;-;

I also straight up have no clue what Koko is, I'll figured it out tho..... Maybe.

((Plz I have bad grammar, if you see any mistakes ignore them or you could point them out :3))


Lloyd flexed his white wings with annoyance, his annoyed glare was burning holes into his cousins skull.

Morro sat, watching with a confused frown, taking the book he had been reading and quietly placing it on the small wooden table besides him. "I'm sorry what?"

Lloyd's eye twitched, tail swaying behind him, "I asked if you took the scroll my mom gave me to study yesterday."

Morro sighed heavily, "no Lloyd I haven't seen your scroll, I haven't even been to your room." Hearing her spirit handlers heavy sigh Sisu pulled herself out from Morro's dark green folded wings and onto his shoulder.

Sisu was a relatively long white dragon with gold, black, and green markings littered down her spin and across her face. Small light grey wings with dark green highlights where folded neatly above her shoulders.
(Basically think of that wind dragon from season 9)

Sisu purred while pushing her snout into Morro's cheek, give him a little dragon kiss.

Lloyd sighed, pulling out a chair from in front of Morro and sitting down, "If mom found out I misplaced that scroll and got absolutely nothing done she's going to ground me."

Morro gave a sympathetic smile to his younger cousin, "Maybe one of the maids took it back to the Library?"

"No one came to my room today, is not a cleaning day." Lloyd answered dejectedly.

"Maybe you can find a new copy?"

Lloyd gave him a look, "Where am I supposed to find a second original copy of 'human dragon peace treaty'?" Lloyd asked incredulously.

Morro blinked.
"Let me get this straight," Morro corrected his posture by sitting straight, "You're mother gave you the original copy of the 'human dragon peace treaty', and you lost it?"

Lloyd squirmed nervously in his seat, his tail curling around his leg tightly before releasing and repeating.

"I didn't lose it-" he received a hard glare, "I just misplaced it is all." Lloyd laughed nervously, clawed hands twitching together.

Morro gave another sigh before snuggling back in with Sisu, "You should tell your mom you lost it."

"I didn't los-"

Morro wacked Lloyd's leg with his tail shutting him up, "She'll find out eventually."

"Why do you always have to be right?" Lloyd mumbled almost inaudibly, Morro smirked hearing most of it but said nothing.

Morro got up with a sigh, "I'll go with you come on."

Lloyd looked like he wanted to jump out of the window and not fly then join Morro to find his mother.

Morro rolled his eyes grabbing Leaf, Lloyd's adopted mechanical dragon; off of a pillow and placing him on Lloyd's head. Leaf purred loudly, curling his long green tail around Lloyd's waist and placing his green head on Lloyd's shoulder.
(Leaf is Lloyd's mech dragon from the movie)

Lloyd pushed his cheek on top of Leafs head before walking after his cousin, Sisu had gone back to her original place, watching Lloyd from Morro's folded wings behind him.

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