Prologue: The Beginning

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  A certain black head walked down the road in the forest, kicking into a rock before him.
  "Stupid sensei, stupid destiny..." He mumbled before looking over at the trees around him. "I can shape my own destiny. And if it doesn't let me be the green ninja, I'll make it!"

  He walked for a bit more before noticing something... Strange. The shadow casted from one of the trees didn't sit right with him.
He got closer to it, examining it. He put one of his hands on it, only to see it disappear in it.
  "Woah..." He said before putting another hand on it, watching it disappear as well. "I wonder where this goes to."

  And just like that, the child put a whole leg into the shadow, the other one right after and then he put himself as a whole in. It took a few minutes for him to realize where was he and what's happening. He was flowing in a dark substance, darker than his black hair. He was pulled out of it by a hand and thrown on the floor, but it was different.

He looked around, realizing he wasn't in the forest anymore. He started breathing heavily and panicking. He needs to go back. He needs to go back. He needs to go ba-
  "Kid, what were you doing in there?! If I didn't pay attention to it for a little bit longer, you would've passed out!" The person who pulled him out there said, leaving the boy confused, scared and panicked. He notices something is wrong with that guy.

  "You're- You're a monkey!" He exclaimed, leaving the stranger both confused and amused.
  "Well, I don't think I'm a snake." The older one replied, smirking. "Who are you, kid? What were you doing at that place all alone?"
  The boy scoffed a little before crossing his arms. "I left my home. Again. I couldn't stand it. The pain. The emptiness. I wanted to escape these emotions by going someplace else. But.. I found that shadowy thing. What is that?"
  "That's how I travel."
  "Why was it in Ninjago?" The boy asked.

  The monkey next to him thought for a moment before answering. "So that's how it's called. I usually go there to relax and buy some tea. No one knows me there, you know."
  "But why in a forest?" He asked again. "The tea shop is miles away from the forest."
  "Well, maybe because I don't want to risk someone falling into my way home, which also failed?" He answered and the boy snorted.

  "Where am I? This doesn't look like anything in Ninjago." He asked, earning a look from the monkey.
  "This is Megapolis. Ever heard of it?" The boy shook his head. "Yeah. It's a city full of neon lights and noise."
  "Sounds... Interesting for sure." He replied and sat on the floor cross-legged.
  "Well, sometimes it's a hell. I have more sensitive hearing. So all that noise sometimes gets on my nerves. That's why I live here." The monkey shook his head. "But enough about me. We should get you back."

  The boy frowned and and sighed. "I don't.. I don't know. The only parental figure I ever had, he.. Well. I made my choice. I don't want to be near him until I prove my worth to him. To destiny."
  The monkey visibly stiffened at the mention of destiny, but the boy didn't seem to notice nor care.

"Could I... I don't know... Stay here for a bit longer?" The boy asked, catching the monkey off guard.
  "What? I'm a stranger and you're asking me if you could stay? Aren't you scared of me?" The older asked, making the younger shake his head.
  "Not even a little bit. You look... Friendly." The boy said, catching the monkey off guard once again.
  "So now we're just saying things." The monkey sighed. "Look, kid. I'd love to help you, but if you stay here, bad stuff is going to happen. You could die just from being around me now."
  "Well.. It's better for me to die here with someone who looks huggable than die alone, knowing I could've lived a different life." The boy replied.

  The monkey sighed again. "Okay. I'm Six-Eared Macaque, or just Macaque."
  The boy grinned happily. "I'm Morro, the elemental master of wind!"
  "Elemental master?" Macaque asked.
  "Oh... Well I guess I won't need it in this world." Morro shrugged. "It's a.. Nice power though."
  "Show me." The monkey asked, curious eyes watching the boy's every move.
  "Okay." He replied before closing his eyes in concentration. He breathed out and moved his hands in one quick motion. Macaque could feel the wind on his face, but it was so slight not everyone could notice it.

  Morro breathed out once again and opened his eyes, making the feeling of the wind on Macaque's face end.
  "It's harder here." He said and leaned onto his arms. "It was much easier back in Ninjago. More natural."
  Macaque nodded before looking at the boy before him. The boy was hurt emotionally, he even left his home because of it!

  The monkey sighed and sat down next to the boy.
  "How was your home?" Macaque asked.
  "Hm? Oh.." Morro bitterly chuckled. "My master, sensei Wu.. Well... He was like my dad. Before him, I only had my two brothers who left me with him at the monastery. We were... Homeless. Our mom died after I was born, my brothers were young also. I can't remember them correctly now. Sensei Wu taught me the way of the ninja, or.. I hope he did. He was an awesome teacher and he set my expectations so high I was... Kinda a brat."

  Morro laughed at that slightly. "But I knew that our relationship started changing after two years, after he told me the legend of the chosen one who's supposed to save the world from the dark, evil lord. He thought I am the one... That I'm the chosen one. But guess what. I wasn't. I left because I had no other choice. He.. Didn't give me other choice." He sadly said.
  Macaque nodded. "I get it."
  "You too, don't you?" Morro asked, slightly tearing up. Macaque stiffened once again.

  "We are different. I just know how it feels, feeling like you don't have any other choice. Like everything crumbled under you and you're just falling apart." He said. Morro raises an eyebrow on the monkey.
  Macaque just sighed. "It doesn't matter. You're just a kid, I shouldn't bring out my issues when you're clearly full of your own."
  Morro shrugged. "I can listen. I'll be here and I don't exactly want to leave."

  Macaque looked at the boy. "Are you sure you don't know who I am? Because you seem like you know everything about my issues-"
   "I am pretty sure I don't know who you are, monkey man." Morro said. "Besides, I can feel a certain... Aura around you. Like you've been hurt before and you don't know what to do to make the wound stop bleeding."

  Macaque just turned his head away. "Monkey man? Is that how you wanna call me?"
  "I dunno," Morro shrugged again. "I certainly won't call you Macaque. If you don't want me to call you monkey man, you have to find something else to call you like."

  Macaque thought for a while before smirking and looking back at Morro. "Well, just make sure you don't get too attached to me, kid. I'll make sure I won't get attached to you either, green bean."
  Morro started laughing. "Green bean? Is that your new nickname for me? Why?"
  "Well, you do have a green streak in your hair. It looks pretty good. Is that dyed or permanent?" He asked the boy as the boy caught his breath.

  "Not sure. It feels like forever since I first noticed it. I was really young, one of my brothers pointed it out." Morro said, smiling slightly.
  "Were your brothers taught with you the way of the ninja?" Macaque asked, almost mockingly. Morro chuckled.
  "No. They left me at the monastery. I said that. I don't blame them though. They were really young, living from a hand to mouth. The fact they were able to give me some of their food was... Awesome for me back then." Morro smiled at the memories. Then frowned. "I miss them."

  "Hmmm. Wanna tell a story?" Macaque asked. Morro raised an eyebrow.
  "About what?"
  "I don't know. What do kids your age like? Cars?"
  "I have no idea what that is."
  "Honestly same, but that's not the point. What do you like, green bean?"
  Morro thought for a moment. "I liked to be Wu's favorite. His magnum opus."
  "Hmm. Would you like a story where a certain boy became the chosen one?" Morro started beaming and Macaque laughed at that.
  "Okay, okay. I'll just get the stuff. It'll be a shadow play. Ever heard of that?" Macaque asked and stood up.
  "Wu and I were sometimes watching his friend do it. It always looked so awesome." Morro said. The monkey smirked at that.
  "Well, prepare to drop your jaw at this shadow play."


While watching the shadow play, Morro couldn't help but feel at home. The play was awesome to say at least.
  When the play ended, Morro stood up and clapped. Macaque bowed.
  "We have a kind audience tonight!" He said, making the boy laugh.

  After a few minutes of talking with each other, Morro slowly started drifting off to sleep. Macaque let out a soft laughter as he placed a hand onto the other's black hair.
  "Sleep." He said. Morro leaned onto his shoulder.
  "Thanks, Wu." He mumbled before falling asleep.
  Macaque's eyes widened. Wu? He shook his head. He's just tired. It's not like he'd see you as his father figure and most likely a hero after one day. Who's this Wu guy anyway?
  Before realizing, Macaque slowly fell asleep as well, his head on Morro's.

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