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Once the plane finally landed, they were on a very secluded island. But, there were already people there. Lilith thought that was weird. But everyone else looked…happy to be there.

While Lilith had stopped crying, she was still full of adrenaline. What was she doing so far from home? What was going to happen to her?

They waited a few moments, sitting in the quiet plane, until the pilot exited the cockpit and looked at his hostages. “Welcome to your temporary home!” He had a smile on his face.

Nobody responded to him.

“Well…let's just get going then.” He opened the door to the plane, and motioned outside, to the tree dotted island.

The four people hesitantly stood, and walked slowly to the door, and outside. At least there were other people, right?

In front of everyone, she saw a board with a bunch of names. Her name was among them.

Lilith spotted someone familiar. Someone with poofy brown hair, someone she had been friends with for years. As she got closer, she called his name. “Eliott?” She pushed past people, trying to get to her friend.

“Lilith! I didn’t know you were gonna be here!”

“I didn’t either.” Her eyes were still red, and her face still puffy, from crying.

“What do you mean?”

“I— and the other people on this bus— were kidnapped. I assume you guys are the people who willingly came to the show?”

“It would appear so.”

They both looked around. They saw an excited little girl standing by, what they assumed was her older brother, who didn't look nearly as excited, and other people chatting amongst one another.

“Who’s this?” Lilith looked at a boy standing near Eliott. She had seen them talking.

“This is Dexter. We talked on the bus, he’s cool. He’s deaf though, so if you try to talk to him, it won’t work.”

“You know sign language?”

“You didn’t know? I took an online class on it for a year or so.”

“Anyways,” he tapped Dexter, “this is Lilith.” He signed as he spoke, spelling her name out.

Dexter smiled, and waved. “You can call me Dex.” He signed. He didn’t speak a lot of the time, he found it was too much work, and he wasn’t the best at it either. It was just easier to sign everything.

The person who captured the unwilling participants walked to the front of everyone, while the person who brought the willing participants, had left a while ago.

“Hello everyone. I’m Jack. The name might be familiar, I was the one who sent the letters.” He awaited an answer, he got nothing. “You may be wondering, what kind of game show is this? Well, I may have lied.”

Eliott translated the words to sign language for Dexter.

“I knew it!” Savannah shouted from the back. Xyr face was red with anger. “Let me go home, you bastard!”

“Ah, but I can’t. The only way for that to happen would be for you to win.”

“Well how do I win?” Xe were getting frustrated.

“The name of the game is to survive. You all have a month to fight to the death until there are only two remaining. If no one kills anyone within a week, I will be taking matters into my own hands, and killing you all off one by one until you get the memo.” His eyes had a psychotic glare in them.

“You’re kidding, right?” Kyler said.

Everyone was starting to get slightly anxious, but they also thought it was some kind of joke. Nobody knew how to feel.

“One by one, as you die, I will take your name off this board nightly. Come by, see which of your friends have died.”

Nobody spoke.

“On that note, everyone come up and choose one weapon. ONE.” He turned a sack upside down, and weapons fell out onto the ground.

No one moved.

“Well come on, don’t be shy.”

Slowly, a few people walked up to the pile, and selected their choice of weapon. Kyler chose what appeared to be a mix between a dagger and a pipe, Evie chose a long sword, Maisie, Lilith and Elizabeth chose a bow and arrow, Estella, Eugene, and Dexter chose a dagger, Jaylee chose a crossbow, Daniella chose a glock, Adeline chose a hatchet, Botan chose a katana, Veronica chose a pocket knife, Eliott chose a double sided axe,  and Savannah chose a spear.

“Alright, have at it!” Jack said, but nothing happened. He slowly walked out to a nearby dock. “I have cameras set up, I’ll be watching you from a distance. Everyday I’ll come back out and remove the names off the list.” He turned his back towards all the teens, and stepped onto a yacht.

Everyone stood, not knowing what to do.

Eliott grabbed Lilith and Dexters arms and started walking towards deep woods. “Just to be safe.”

Evie, a small little 13 year old girl, followed the group of three, feeling like they would be a safe group to be around. “Hey!” They called. “Can I, maybe, possibly stick around with you guys?” Void asked.

Lilith turned around, looking at them. “Oh, of course.” She smiled, and held out her hand for the girl. “Did you come with anyone you know, or are you here alone?”

“I’m alone.”

“Okay.” She nodded. “We’re just looking for a place to set up camp for the time being. Are you alright with that?”

“Yeah.” They ran up to walk alongside the rest of voids newly found group.

Eventually the four found a little cave that they found was empty, and appeared to have been for a long while. They all collapsed against the wall, it had been a long, uphill trek.

Eliott and Dex were having a conversation only in sign language.

They thought it was nice that they could have conversations no one else could understand.


The other people also either separated into groups, or went off alone.

Eugene and Elizabeth stayed together, as you would expect siblings to do so, but everyone else just split up on their own. At least for now.

Nobody wanted to be the first to die. They couldn’t trust anyone they didn’t know.

Bag of Bones [Applyfic] (closed)Where stories live. Discover now