TAKE MY BREATH AWAY, mason thames

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jules leblanc as
june 'cutie' garcía

~instagram: juniegtiktok: junebugyoutube: crazy eights (joint account between the friend group)age: 15

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instagram: junieg
tiktok: junebug
youtube: crazy eights (joint account between the friend group)
age: 15

contact name: the 6th month 🎸

mason 'the flirt' thames
as himself

~instagram: masonthamesofficialtiktok: mthamesyoutube: crazy eightsage: 15

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instagram: masonthamesofficial
tiktok: mthames
youtube: crazy eights
age: 15

contact name: gay-son 😹
miguel 'sweetheart' cazarez mora
as himself

~instagram: miguelcazarezmoratiktok: miguelcmyoutube: crazy eightsage: 15

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instagram: miguelcazarezmora
tiktok: miguelcm
youtube: crazy eights
age: 15

contact name: mickey mouse 🐭

louis partridge as
spencer 'model' garcía

~instagram: spencergarciatiktok: spengarciayoutube: crazy eightsage: 16

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instagram: spencergarcia
tiktok: spengarcia
youtube: crazy eights
age: 16

contact name: dr. spencer reid 😼
finn 'weirdo' wolfhard
as himself

~instagram: officialfinnwolfhardtiktok: bruised_soupyoutube: crazy eightsage: 16

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instagram: officialfinnwolfhard
tiktok: bruised_soup
youtube: crazy eights
age: 16

contact name: frog face 😧
nailea davora as
adriana 'the immature' monroe

contact name: frog face 😧~nailea davora asadriana 'the immature' monroe

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instagram: anamonroe
tiktok: notmarilynmonroe
youtube: crazy eights
age: 16

contact name: ENOUGH ANA 😡🤌
jazmyn makenna as
gia 'the adult' perez

contact name: ENOUGH ANA 😡🤌~jazmyn makenna asgia 'the adult' perez

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instagram: giaperez
tiktok: gigiperez
youtube: crazy eights
age: 16

contact name: walmart gigi hadid 😷
mille 'the mom' bobby brown
as herself

contact name: walmart gigi hadid 😷~mille 'the mom' bobby brownas herself

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instagram: milliebobbybrown
tiktok: milliebb
youtube: crazy eights
age: 16

contact name: its m to the b 🥵
everyone else in this story as themselves

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2022 ⏰

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TAKE MY BREATH AWAY, mason thamesWhere stories live. Discover now