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"Taurus?" Scorpio had woken up to get a glass of water.

"Oh, you're awake?" He cleared his throat.

"I am. You okay? You seem uneasy." She was quick to pick up on his emotions.

He wondered if it would be okay to share with her what he heard.

"I received word that the Spellwoods fell very ill."

"What?" She put her glass down.

"How ill?"

"Um..." Taurus looked away. He knew what was coming.

"Taurus? How ill." She was glaring at him seriously.

"They've been poisoned."

Scorpio eyes flashed with anger as she pulled her shawl closer to her body.

"Prepare the horses."


"You heard what I said. You're coming as well."

"Why?" Taurus questioned while following her directions.

"They might need extra help from a doctor." She slipped her shoes on, not caring that she was wearing an almost sheer night dress. Her shawl covered her enough to go out.

"They have someone who's perfectly capable—." He was about to argue but saw that she wasn't in the mood to argue. Worry painted her face as she mounted the horse.

I'm back!" Pisces burst through the doors.

"Oh thank god!" Libra let out a dry sob, it was obvious he had been crying beforehand.

Capricorn was holding Cancer's cold hand tightly. Pisces wasted no time in throwing the flower in the mixture and crushing it finely. The elixir glowed a gentle blue now as she poured it into three glasses.

"Have them drink." She handed two glasses to Libra and Capricorn while she took hers to Aquarius.

The glass touched his lips and she made sure he drank every single drop.

"Have they drank it?"

"Yes." Libra looked a little more relaxed.

"They'll be unconscious for some more time but we need to keep an eye on them for tonight."

Libra and Capricorn nodded, sitting next to the beds.

Suddenly there was a pounding at the door.

"Who is that?! At this hour? What if it's the person who tried to kill us?" Capricorn said with a fearful voice.

"I'll go. Stay with them." Pisces assured and went to the front door.

She slowly opened it to find a woman with a desperate face. Pisces' eye went to Taurus and gave a look of disgust.


"Trust me I didn't want to come either." He shrugged.

"Taurus told me that some of the house fell ill? I was hoping I could help?"

"We don't need any help." Pisces attempted closing the door but it was stopped by Scorpio's hand. Pisces sensed an extremely unstable yet strong energy coming off of her.

"You're a vampire too?"

"I-I am!"

Pisces thought about it for a moment and then opened the door wide for them to enter.

"What's your name? I haven't seen you around." Scorpio asked.

"Pisces. I take care of the Spellwoods. Vampires come with a lot of health problems." She sighed and showed them to the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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