🍓 Jeongsung - Kiss Day 🍓

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"I'll do it before I die." Jeongin joked in front of the camera, referring to the infamous kiss argument between him and Jisung.


They were filming their episode for the '2 Kids Room' series. Once again, Jisung couldn't seem to let the kiss scandal go.

Jisung swears that him and Jeongin had kissed during their trainee days while playing the piano. Jeongin completely denies having any memory of that.

Nobody really knows whether it actually happened are not. And honestly, nobody would be surprised if they did kiss, or if the whole thing is just a figment of Jisung's imagination.

The day that the episode was airing was March 14th, White Day.

Jisung had correlated their scandal to the meaning of that day, and suggested that they do a VLIVE on June 14th, which is Kiss Day.

Jeongin agreed that he would do the live stream if he had time that day.

The two bickered back and forth for a bit longer about the whole ordeal, but soon moved on to another topic.


Jeongin was sitting at the desk in his hotel room, just playing a game on his phone, when he was interrupted by a phone call.

It was Jisung, of course.

"What do you want?" Jeongin groaned into the phone as he answered the call, slightly annoyed by the older because he had been mid-game when he called.

"Have you forgotten what day it is?" Jisung asked, not paying much attention to the attitude he had received from the other.

Jeongin swiped down on his phone to reveal the time.

June 14th.

He rolled his eyes, remembering the conversation that they had had about the day prior.

Jeongin rolled his eyes, "Bye hyung." He said, about to hang up.

"Hey, you said that you would do it!" Jisung yelled from the other side of the line.

"Fine, but you have to come here if you want to do it."

The call ended, and it was about 10 minutes before he heard a knock on the hotel room door.

Jeongin opened the door to find an excited Jisung waiting for him.

"All right, let's do this." Jisung said, pushing past Jeongin to enter the room.

Jeongin's annoyance had faded by that point, but he couldn't say that he was excited for the VLIVE. He knew he would be teased, and that there would be some strange comments from their fan base.

Jisung gave the live the title 'BboBboz's Kiss Day' before setting the camera up so it would be filming the couch.

Han pressed the button to start the livestream.


The livestream had gone fairly well. It had lasted about 45 minutes. There was some conversation about Kiss Day and the supposed kiss that had happened between the two of them, but it wasn't too bad.

However, once the camera stopped rolling, the teasing from Jisung began.

Jisung complained about how Jeongin still hadn't fulfilled his wish, going on about how their fans would be disappointed as well.

"I already told you, you'll get a kiss before one of us dies." Jeongin said to his whining friend.

Jisung crossed his arms, just playing along with the joke. "Well, what if I were dying right now?"

"Well you're not, so keep dreaming."

"But what if I am, and we just don't know it yet...and I'll die without having my wish fulfilled? Then I'll become a ghost, stuck between worlds because I never got what I wanted. And it would be all your fault so I'll haunt you and-"

Jisung's nonsensical rambling was cut off by Jeongin grabbing his face and placing his lips on his.

It was very quick, and likely meaningless, but that didn't stop Jisung's face and ears becoming tomato-red.

"Will you stop complaining now, Jesus Christ." Jeongin said before moving away from the older boy.


Honestly not a fan of this, I can't read my own stuff without cringing. But I think it's rare for people to genuinely enjoy their own work anyways.

Thanks for reading, and if you have a request feel free to share it in a comment or dm.

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