☾︎2☽︎Girls at the orphanage

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Ashley Pov
After i told Aubrey everything we both cried ourselves to bed we even slept on the same bed it was quite uncomfortable but we managed before we knew it was morning

In the orphanage everyone has their own specific type of work they do every morning and when you are done you can go to the Cafeteria and eat

In the orphanage everyone has their own specific type of work they do every morning and when you are done you can go to the Cafeteria and eat

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*Where they eat

As i said before Miss Pinkerson is very cruel the work she gives us i do not think it even for our age I am not being lazy or anything i know we all have to work but this is to much

The work we do scrubbing the floors we can do it with a mop but Miss Pinkerson want us to suffer
Sweeping the entire compound and other extreme stuff

I and Aubrey where going to do place where they put all the equipments for cleaning

"Here take this broom"I said to Aubrey giving her the broom
"Thanks"She replied
"let's go"I said
She gave me a slight nod

When we got there we saw what we had to clean wasn't really that hard so we got to work
After 10 minutes we finished and we where starving

We went to the cafeteria we got a basic sandwich and where where going to sit down when Aubrey bumped into some girl by mistake

"Are you blind"She spat out
"I- I'm So-rry i-it was by ac-cident"Aubrey said trying her best not to stutter

She was about the hit Aubrey when i caught her hand just in time and punched her hard on the face

"ahhhhhh you bitch"She screamed which called everyone's attention to us

She was about to start some type of fight with us but i defend my self and Aubrey who was crying like a baby

Aubrey Pov
I and Aubrey just finished cleaning when we where going to sit down when i bumped into someone

When i looked up i saw the meanest girl i have every come across "Bianca"

"Are you blind"Bianca Screamed
This caused tears to form in my eyes
"I- I'm So-rry i-it was by ac-cident"I managed to say

She was about to hit me i covered my face waiting for the pain but it never came

I opened my eyes and i saw that Ashley punched her hard on the face

"ahhhhhh you bitch"Bianca screamed causing everyone to stop whatever they where doing and look at us

She started to attack us but Ashley Defended the both of us which i was really Great full for  

I didn't really want all this to happen to Ashley because tomorrow is her birthday she might not remember but i do she is my best friend i will never forget her

Third Person Pov
After Bianca knew she was no match for Ashley she gave up and left

"Are you giving up so soon"Ashley spoke with sarcasm clear in her voice
Bianca looked back and gave her the most disgusting eye ever and left

Ashley Pov
After the whole charade happened Aubrey Hugged me as usual

"I'm sorry this happened to you"She said barely above a whisper
"Hun its okay i just had your back like friend do"I told her
"I know but you always have my back and it get you into a lot of trouble"She replied
"Don't say that I am just defending you like good Friends do"I said
"okay"she huffed

When we finished eating we went to our room rested

In this orphanage everyday is an  adventure isn't it?

Author here How is the chapter i wasn't really feeling it for those who do not like it chapter 3 will be very special i promise 

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Author here
How is the chapter i wasn't really feeling it for those who do not like it chapter 3 will be very special i promise 

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