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In a vast expanse of land filled smoke with a dark and gloomy atmosphere a stench of blood and decay is found all across the land and at the center of this land is a mountain that stretches higher than the clouds. The mountain is filled with hundreds of thousands of body all uncountable from the size of this pile of corpses with each corpse differing in body size and height, and atop this mountain of corpses is a a lone figure with bluish-silver hair with yellow eyes, holding a bloodied sword in his hand was Rimuru Tempest. Rimuru Arrived late at the battle field after being thrown into the End of Time and Space, Only to see that his subordinates, friends and other allies are dying and getting killed by their enemies. Seeing this Rimuru rushed into the battle to try and at least save his remaining comrades that survive but its all futile, its too late he couldn't save them, Not his friends and certainly not his subordinates who he treats as his own family. He failed them and He couldn't forgive himself.

Rimuru: "I failed them" he says as tears run into his face. Suddenly a dark mist starts appearing in front of him forming a figure having the same body features as him with the only difference is the eyes, instead of having yellow that as if can it see through your very soul Instead it is replace with a crimson red that is very analytical. The figure who suddenly appear is Ciel, A Manas and partner of Rimuru. Ciel suddenly ran to Rimuru and hug him trying to ease the devastating lost, hopelessness, and sorrow his master is currently feeling.

Rimuru: "I-i let them get killed. I dont want this to happen, wh-what should i do Ciel? Please, i beg you please tell me there's something we can do to save them. Tell me that there's a way, Anything would do" He begged his partner.

Ciel: "Master, we can just recreate the entire worl-"

Rimuru: "IM NOT GOING TO RE-CREATE THEM!". Rimuru cut off Ciel before she even finish her statement.

Ciel: "But Master This is the only way that has a high chance of getting them back and getting everything back the way it is before"

Rimuru: "Is-Is it possible to travel back in time?"

Ciel: "Yes, However we cannot travel before master got thrown into the End of Time and Space"

Rimuru: "Why?"

Ciel:"Ivaraj Energy is preventing Us on traveling back into that specific time and even before the start of the battle. This is why i suggest we should go back to the very start"

Rimuru:"To the very start? What do you mean?"

Ciel:"The very beginning you got reincarnated master, with this we can ensure their survival can be a lot higher than that of the original one."

Rimuru:"How are you planning on doing that?"

Ciel: "Master, if we time travel back to the very beginning we can strengthen them more and we can also save those we couldn't save before."

That statement made Rimuru remember a bitter memory. A memory of someone he lost because he isn't powerful before as he is now. And The memory of his people lying dead on the town plaza isn't something he wanted to experience again.

Rimuru: "Alright then Ciel, Lets go travel back in time"

Ciel: "As you wish"

Rimuru: "Wait for me everyone, This time i wont fail you guys and this time i will protect you all!"

And Thus Rimuru started an old but new adventure. Same and yet its vastly different.

Author's Note: Hello everyone this would be my first tensura fanfic and as you can tell im not very good at writing one. So if you please point out what are the mistakes in my fanfiction i would greatly appreciate it.

Also i took some idea on another fanfiction titled: Rimuru: A Second Chance that won't be Wasted so you guys could read that as well its an amazing fanfiction.

And that is all everyone i hope you enjoyed reading my story.

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