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Thalia slammed her book of choice shut and sighed. "If I'm going to get through this alive, then I'm going to need some coffee. Tag along if you want."

Dalia, fond of the new drink, delightfully agreed to Thalia's invitation.

Just as they walked out of the darkness, Thalia made her way to a coffee shop labeled Joe's Coffee Shop.

"Don't worry, the coffee is just as good here." Thalia reassured her.

She followed her into the coffee shop, where a boy no younger than she was offered them both a small candy that Thalia gladly took and popped it directly into her mouth. Dalia did not hesitate to follow her actions. She left the orders to Thalia, reserving a table for the two.

After about half an hour of waiting, Dalia looked at the counter. Thalia was no where to be found. Dalia tried to calm down, she was most probably in the toilet, but she could not calm herself down. Her first thought is that something happened to her; how could it not be?

Frantically, she quickly got up and walked to the woman's restroom. She swung the door open, only to find that the bathroom was completely unoccupied.

She ran outside, running a hand through her hair. How couldn't she have noticed? Surely she did not just forget about her? She pushed those thoughts at the back of her mind, there was no time to sit there and think about that, what was important was finding Thalia; but where to look? She could be anywhere.

Surely someone could help her. She went back into the coffee shop, hoping that the barista saw something.

"There was a girl with white hair and eyes that just ordered here, do you have any idea where she went?"

"I actually saw exactly where she left to. Follow me."

They both exited the coffee shop with the barista leading the way. She followed him, with hope that she would find Thalia. He lead her through New York just like Thalia did, until they reached another dark corridor. She had enough of them, but at the same time she wondered how the barista could have spotted Thalia from all the way there.

Of course, of course it's a trick, Dalia thought, I just fell into it.

She turned around to face the young boy which was watching her with an amused tone. Dalia steadied herself, preparing herself for a fight; but all the boy did was stare at her, looking right through her, looking as if he was using all his energy just staring at her.

That's when she lost all sense of herself, and the last thing she saw before collapsing to the floor was the boy towering over her.


Hello everyone! Wow! Two chapters in a row! Can you believe it? I keep my promises ;) Sorry this chapter is so short but I promised you guys two chapters and here it is! Suspense is fun isn't it? Anyways please don't forget to leave a vote and an opinion in the comments! Until next time x

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