part 1

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Lydia willed herself not to cry as she packed her personal belongings. She'd seen Charlotte with another woman. They had seemed so comfortable around each other which proved her suspicion that they have been seeing each other for a while. Her efforts not to cry  faltered as fresh tears streamed down her cheeks. Charlotte was cheating on her , Charlotte who crawled into bed with her  every night , who had told her just this morning that she loved her. Lydia finished packing her stuff and headed for the door, she was travelling to Africa, she knew it was cowardice, not confronting Charlotte about what she'd seen. But part of her still wanted to believe that she'd seen wrong.

          Lydia hailed down a cab and headed to her friend Christie's apartment, her flight was next morning and she was not willing to face Charlotte.
         "Charlotte did what?" Christie sounded like she was about to explode, her reaction was stronger than Lydia's, which was not unexpected, she'd liked Lydia since they were kids. She couldn't believe that that Charlotte bitch had hurt Lydia. After taking her away from her. She sure as hell was going to teach the obnoxious bitch a lesson! Wait till Lydia leaves for Africa, she was going to stab out the bitch's ridiculously dreamy eyes. Eyes she had lured Lydia with and possibly the other woman, or many more...
            "I could come with you you know?" Christie offered, "I hate to see you travel alone in this state."
            "No Christie but thanks, I just want to do this by myself and it's all so abrupt and I know you have your own stuff to take care of, u wouldn't expect you to drop all that for me." Lydia replied sadly, she knew it'd be hard, but she'll have to be strong.
             " I don't really have anything serious going on " and even if I did, I'd literally drop anything for you. Did Lydia really not know how much she adored her?
               Lydia had to admit that going with her best friend would make things a little easier, Christie always did that," are you sure? "she asked
               " yes! I'll need to make arrangements before we leave. "" I guess I could wait a couple more days for you, just don't tell Charlotte that I'm here. " Lydia pleaded. 'like I would' Christie thought, this is my chance to prove to Lydia that am the one meant for her'

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