2: Kids are a whole other level

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Vanessa left you at the the Daycare."Kids, yay....!" you mumbled to yourself, you never liked kids that much, well at least when they were loud. You looked around before seeing a desk, on that desk was a cute little uniform, it was a nice not too vibrant but kind of a dark green. It had like a little cape in a dark green color with dark red endings. It kinda gave off a calming vibe, you really liked it, next to it there was a clipboard written on it was: Kid - Parent - checkout. You changed into the uniform provided, checking the clock it was already 5:30.

"At 6 all the kids should arrive, guess i better check the Daycare out before it gets chaotic" you said not bothering if anyone could hear. Uppon opening the big wooden Door you see a Man standing in the middle of the Daycare. "Hey, I've been waiting for you, looks like the Uniform does suit you" a raspy vioce said, to be polite you introduced yourself. "Hello I'm y/n the new Daycare assistant, nice meeting you.." "I know, you don't have to tell me. You're in charge for Today, Thursday, Saturday and Monday, after that you'll get to work your normal schedule. That would be Wednesday, Friday and Saturday" he went on.

5:55 am

"Ugh he talks too much" you growled, quickly checking the Daycare for the supplies you need. Screams filled the room with kids running into the Daycare. You walk to the parents writing everyones name down and when they will go and who their parents are, you looked at the clipboard counting 24 kids. The parents paid and left, leaving you all alone with the kids. "Listen up kiddos, im doing an check to see if really everyone is there. So please sit down in 3 rows!" you shout. The kids looking at you before they do what you told them to, you said name by name waiting for the kids response. "Good everyone is here. Anyways, before you all storm off I'd like to introduce myself! I'm y/n the new Daycare assistant and here to help if you need anything!" you kind of sang the last part, making the children giggle.

Not even 1 full hour after opening and someone got already hurt. Someone tugged you my the pants catching your attention, you looked towards the crying kid, slowly crouching down and hugging the child. "It's alright little one, what happened?" you say trying to sound calmly, "Mx y/n! mx y/n! Someone Pulled me by m-my arm..! A-and I fell down the jungle j-jim" the kid cried out loud, you gave them another hug. The kid wimpered, making you pull back from the hug. "I'm sorry little one, may i know where it hurt?" "My back a-and my leg" after hearing that you nod and get some pflasters aswell as a cream against pain. You careful lift the shirt at the back and  look at the wound before treating it, their leg hat a big scratch which only needed some pflasters. The kid thanked you, but you stopped them from going away, taking them by the hand to lead them to a very quiet area. Some kids who weren't comfortable with the loud ones sat here, wellcomming the bruised kid. You looked at the oldest one, they nodded and then looked after the little hurt duckling.

Leaving the area you were presented a chaos, glitter glue everywhere, some apple/orange juice in the hair of some kids. You turned when you heard screams to your left. A little boy was pulling a girls hair, you gave him time out so you could comfort th girl, not shortly after she stopped crying and stormed off. "Now the glitter glue mess, hopefully thats it for today" you cryied out, walking to the 3 kids who made the mess. Pretending you had energy you showed them that what they did wasn't alright and how to clean it up. Helping them a little and then washing their hair. "I already hate it here, kids are the worst" you thought, not noticing what the girls did to the boy who got time out. Drying the kids hair you 4 walk back sending the 3 kids off into the ball pit.

Screaming, again, this time in front of you, forcing you to open your eye lids. The little boy was crying while the girls said mean things about his parents and his drawings. You sighn and walk up to them like a zombie, making the girls giggle. "You know, what you guys said wasn't nice. What would you do if someone told you that?" your grumpy tone scared the girls a little, they thought for a second and then all apolegized to the boy, he stopped crying when the girls asked if they could be friends as a little apolegie gift. That made you smirk, standing up to check on the calm kids. Everything was alright, the buised kid was sleeping with some other kids, whe oldest looking tired aswell. You wispered to them: "Good job, I'm proud of you. Get some rest little one." They smiled and fnally dozed off. looking at the clock which displayed, 3 pm. You quickly get back to the energized group, shouting: "Naptime!" Like ducklings they went to you and you gave everyone a sleeping bag, they laid down while you went to turn the light off. Going back you sat down and started singing some songs to help the kids fall asleep, noticing the oldest one from the quiet corne walking up to you looking sleepy, you nod slightly, giving the kid permission to sleep next to you. You didn't know why they felt so comfortable around you, your thoughts drifted away while your voice faded.

All the kids were sleeping so you relaxed thinking a bit.


"The kids are so sweet but have too much energy, maybe  should ask if the HQ could hire more Daycare asisstants, or MAYBE building an anematronic." At the time you didnt know about sun/moon because they were in the middle of being built. Something pulled you from your thoughts tho, a sharp pain in your arm.

You open your eyes and quietly groan in pain, a kid bit your arm because it couldn't sleep. "YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SH!T!", you wished to say out loud but you could only dream of that, otherwise you would get fired. "Sorry Mx. y/n, but you weren't replying and i thought you were gone.." the kid quietly apolegized, smiling to reasure the kid that its fine. Giving the kid a Moondrop candy, making them sleepy. You cussed at that kid for biting you in your thoughts, disinfecting the bite and wrapping it carefully up in a sterile bandage to not get some kind of infection. Your Fazwatch starts to beep, you turned it off before it got loud. Turning the lights on And waking the kids. Their parents arrived just in time to pick the children up, you hugged each kid goodbye after checking if those were the real parents of the kids.

1202 Words [This Chapter got released early as a kind of birthday present for my dear friend! EmiEx0]

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