part 5

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A few days later
3rd person's pov
"Porsche,Khun kinn has called for you,please meet him at his office"ken say's to Porsche.
Porsche then walks off to kinn's office.Porsche knocks on the door & enters with kinn's permission."you called?" Porsche asked."oh,i have a job for going to a debtor's house to collect the debt or to threaten him" kinn said.As soon as Porsche heard the word debtor,a feeling of uneasiness spread in porsche's mind."Porsche?" Kinn called to the zoning out Porsche."Ah yes?" He replied as soon as he snapped out."ken,get the car ready, we're leaving now" kinn ordered."yes Khun kinn"

[One thing i forgot to note,(Khun) means Mr./Ms./Mrs. in thai,i feel writing authentic when i write khun kinn instead of Mr.kinn]

Both Porsche & the other bodyguards left with kinn to the site.
A few minutes later
After they arrived,they entered the debtor's house.He(the debtor) was almost an old man.Kinn asked Him(the debtor) when he is going to pay back.The man then stayed silent.
Porsche's pov
This dosen't feel right, something wrong is going to happen soon.soon kinn grabs him by the coller & throws him to the ground.I twitch out of my thoughts by his sudden action.pete starts kicking him,soon ken, big are also kicking him.all of this reminds me of how the debt collectors used to beat me too
Kinn's pov
What a rascal, dosen't know how to pay on time——*sniffs* this scent.Everyone is too busy to notice,but i can see & smell the fear on Porsche."pete,take Porsche out.He is new to all this" i say feeling a bit concerned about Porsche.As I'm telling the man to finish his payment by the next time i see him or he's dead,i see Porsche out there smoking,i take it as a sign to leave not making him anymore stressed.As I'm about to leave,i hear a gun loading sound,when i look back.I see that bastard holding a gun at me.But soon my sight is blocked by a man rushing off & standing infront of me."Please khun,you don't need to choose this way,you can surrender & think of another way to solve this issue" Porsche says."I've had enough,the issue cannot be solved" he says as he is ready to shoot."look khun,you canno—" Porsche is cut by the gun firing.i push Porsche enough so the bullet atleast dosen't land on Porsche chest.It flies across porsche's left hand scarring a soon as Porsche heard the gun fire he shot the debtor as well & he died."Porsche are you ok?" I asked."I'm fine" he replied,but i could smell pain from his scent."let's go home" i said.
A few hours later
Porsche's pov
"Today was a hell of a this damn scar as well." I say as i go over to take my dinner.*knock knock* i heard a knocking sound & went over to check who it was.ahh it was kinn,who else could it be*a bit annoyed*."what is it?" I said annoyingly."take of your shirt" kinn said what!?."ummm,what? Why would I do that" i said."just do it" oh god he is getting on my nerves.i still do it anyways.He then looks at my untreated wound."do you want your arm to be cut open like that?" He says as he brings over the first aid kit.its really not that bad,what does he mean by arm CUT OPEN?He then begins to treat my wound.& Wraps it around in gauze."Thanks" i say."look,if you're hurt,you gotta treat the wound,you don't want an infection." Kinn says."ok ok" i finally laugh out a little on his serious & somewhat concerned face."it's not funny" he replies."Ok now go back & let me eat" i say as i sit back & start finishing my dinner that's almost cooled down."take care & good night" kinn says with a little smile.DID HE SMILE AT ME? Nah.... He did not.i then finish my dinner & go to bed.

[Here,now I'll try my best to upload 2 parts a day.Even if i don't post 2 parts everyday I'll atleast post 1 part everyday.Are you guys enjoying? Leave your opinions in the comments💜]

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