knock knock

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"Knock knock"
The door opens with a creek to Felix's surprise its his old pal Ellie.
"Ellie its been so long"
They both hug each other making Marzia burst in the room
"Uuuh who is this!!" Screams Marzia
"Thi..this is Ellie ma old pal" says Felix covering his face.
"Yeah hi I'm Ellie nice to meet you..... Felix why are you covering your face?"
Marzia stormed outside in the back garden.
Felix grabs Ellie's wrist and haulled her upstairs.
"Felix ouch.. What's up"?
Felix starts crying and Ellie puts her head on his head.
"Come on tell me what's up"
"Its marzia.... She beats me up. And I can't break up with her cause she'll kill me...literally"
Felix says crying his eyes out.
"Oooh Felix you really gonna get beat up by that cow I'll break her neck!" They both laugh in Felix's sexy laugh
"................I....... Love....... you_" felix says pushing ellie to the wall "I... too!!"

pewdiepie depressionWhere stories live. Discover now