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" I give up... You win. Looks like you were a notch above me after all. Take a rest Lucario, I guess we lost this one. " a male voice said as he returned his Lucario in the Premiere Ball. " You were close to winning, I couldn't determine who was going to win, especially at the last second. " a blonde woman said as she returned her Garchomp.

" A close call, like the usual. However, you have a two point lead now, 152 over my 150 wins against you. Well, I guess I am going out then, congratulations in keeping your title Cyn, I'm outta here " the youth male said as he turned his back on the Champion.

" Where do you plan to go? Dragon's Den again? You do remember you got shunned as the Dragon's Snake when you went there right? " Cynthia told the challenger as he stopped. " Usually the common people there call me that. Gramps over there and Lance respects my skills which surprised me. Besides, the hell do you think I keep a Seviper on my team? Either way I am leaving, you wanna come along for a drink again? It is unhealthy for someone 8 years older than me to not unwind and relax from your work.

I want to make an old hag joke but I don't have the speed to outrun your Garchomp. "

He joked as he then ran off in panic. Garchomp's roar as well as Cynthia's screams of anger could be heard as he got away due to Garchomp's injuries slowing him down.

3 Hours Later....

" Thank you for waiting, we have restored your Pokemon back to full health! " Nurse Joy said as the mysterious trainer in dark coat sighed in relief. ' I thought everyone's injuries are worse than I thought. Then again, we knew we were battling Cyn. ' he thought as he grabbed the Poke Balls back. " Y/n! " a voice said as he turned around. It was Cynthia, and the sight of her made Y/n scared a bit.

" Relax, we are at a Pokemon Center. Besides, I already got over it. Anyway, I think I'll also unwind and take a drink later. Same place at Hearthome City? "

" Yeah... I may or may not have also planned to invite Lance and Clair. You know how far my friendship goes with them. " Y/n said as Cynthia was looking at him in a slightly pouty tone. " I can understand. By the way, when will they arrive? " she asked as Y/n answered, " Four hours, maybe evening. We can go around and do sightseeing if you want. I am not leaving until tomorrow afternoon so if you have a date planned for me... Make it count~ "

Flustered with the teasing Y/n made, Cynthia just looked away and sighed. " You really are a tease huh? You never do change, even if 4 years had passed ever since you left. After a month of sweeping through the whole region, you just had to leave? " she muttered. " Well, unless you lost your title as a Champion which I don't think would happen because everyone fears your skills as a trainer and also your Garchomp, coming with me means shirking your work as a Champion of Sinnoh.

Although...not gonna lie, I wanna bring back the good old days of Black UFO duo team we had. We were unstoppable, and we had fun doing adventures. " he answered Cynthia's muttering as he sat down on a chair and sighed. " I wish. I hope one day we can team up and wander around the world together. Right now, I can't shirk work as the Champion. One day, when I step down as a Champion, do you promise that we can join up again? " Cynthia softly asked to Y/n who nodded and smiled in anticipation. " Of course I do! This has been the start of how our friendship started! To be honest, our rivalry is kind of tiring now, as I feel like we are getting nowhere with it... " he answered as they shook hands.

7 PM

" Cheers for Cyn's winning streak in defending her title! "

"Cheers! "

Y/n, Lance, Clair, and Cynthia cheered and drank their drinks as they chatted about what Cynthia missed. " Well, usually I wouldn't create any rivalries but this hothead over here kept challenging me over and over! " Y/n ranted in a joking manner. It was clear that he was clearly drunk as he was becoming louder.

" I can't lose to someone whose head is sometimes above the clouds! It shamed me a lot! " Clair said as Lance sighed. " He is...but remember, you had lost to him ten times in a row one time. " the Dragon Master said as Clair looked down as Y/n stopped himself from laughing and relaxed on the couch. " You know, you should drop the Blessed User of Dragon Pokemon if that's the case. Joking aside, I really don't believed on something like a person Is blessed or they have some sort of destiny assigned to them. That's why I left the Aura Guardians... They say that all of us has some shit fate dropped to us or rather, assigned. We create what we are destined for, not some astral force or constellation. " he said as he was leaning too much and putting too much weight on one side of the couch.

Before it fell off, Lucario hurriedly put down the unbalanced side of the couch and sighed in relief. " So that's why you and Lucario rejected Aura. Although your recklessness caused you to become a stowaway in Hoenn. " Lance said as Clair giggled.

" Shut up! I wouldn't be stuck with you for four years if it weren't for you and my dad's meddling! " Y/n shouted as he was throwing a bit of a tantrum as Cynthia stopped him. " Calm down. No need to fight here. Now, can we all just get together? Also, I think you had enough Y/n, any more than 3 bottles will knock you out. " she said as Y/n turned red in embarrassment.

" Damn my low alcohol tolerance. Anyway, any news on Dragon's Den? How's it holdin up? " Y/n asked as Lance(who was the only one who didn't drink alcohol since Cynthia drank wine and Claire and Y/n went wild with bottles of liquor) sighed. " You got another rival. Ever since hearing the news about the Dragon's Snake, he has been training Pokemon, especially a Zangoose. " he said and the word ' Zangoose ' woke Y/n's Seviper up.

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