Bake sale

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You set your table up in the cafeteria. You have spent the last few days baking away for today's bake sale. It's to benefit the different clubs and activities in your school. You take your time placing the trays so everything looks perfect. The bell rings and students start to file in for lunch. After a few minutes you see your two favorite little freshman. Mike Wheeler and Dustin Henderson. You wave and smile as they spot you and head over.
"Wow y/n this looks great!" Dustin beams.
"Yeah, everything looks super yummy." Mike agrees, reaching for a bag of your homemade chocolate chip cookies.
"Aww thanks guys!" You smile.
"Don't forget to tell your friends it's to benefit all our clubs here! And yes that includes Hellfire." You giggle.
"We will!" They pay and head to their table.
They take their seats, and start to pass out the cookies.
"You guys have GOT to try these. Y/n made them and they're delicious!" Eddie pops his head up from the magazine he was reading. Suddenly intrigued.
"Y/n? As in Y/f/n y/l/n?"
"Yeah." Dustin wiggles his eyebrows. He knows Eddie has had a crush on you for a year now. He was always too scared to really even talk to you because, well, he was "the freak."
"Yeah, she's selling cookies to raise money for our clubs." Mike said handing one to Eddie. He studies it for a second before taking a bite. A smile crosses his lips.
"These are incredible." He takes another bite.
"Right!? And she does some cool designs too! I was thinking, maybe, hear me out, she could be the official Hellfire club snack maker!" Dustin says excitedly.
"Could be an excuse to get to know her.." Mike adds in. Eddie ponders for a minute before slamming his hand on the table while he stands up.
"Wish me luck." The group all watch on as Eddie walks to your table.
You're making a sale to another student when you glance up to see Eddie.
"Eddie! Hi!" You smile at him, and he fidgets with his rings.
"Hi y/n. I tried one of your world famous cookies and decided I needed more." He nervously smiles.
"World famous huh? You're sweet." Eddie grabs the nearest thing while smiling, desperately trying to get out of the awkward situation.
"Well.. I'll see you around I guess." He says while paying for his stuff.
"Ok Eddie sounds good!"
He turns around and sees Dustin and Mike at the table making a "go on" gesture. He sighs and takes a deep breath in before turning back towards you.
"Um actually y/n I wanted to ask you something."
"Oh ok what's up?"
"Uh, the guys and I were talking and we were wondering, uh, if you would want to join Hellfire?" He looks down before looking back up at you. You smile.
"Well I don't know much about D&D, but it sounds like fun!"
Eddie's face lights up.
"Well Dustin and Mike said maybe you could be the snack person, but if you want to learn how to play I can teach you." He puts his hand on his neck.
"I would love that Eddie."
"Ok cool. So our next meeting is tonight around 5."
"Ok! I'll be there! And I'll bring some snacks." You wink. Eddie swears he could have fallen over right then and there.
"Awesome. See you later!"
"Bye Eddie!" He turns and does a little happy dance all the way back to the table. The guys all smile and cheer him on. He couldn't wait to see you later.
School lets out and you head to the store to buy cookie cutters for tonight. You pick out ones that are the closest to the symbols on the Hellfire shirt Dustin gave you after lunch. When you get home you start baking and decorating. You change into your Hellfire shirt, package up the cookies and head out the door. You arrive at school and make your way to the room where they hold their games. You're early because you wanted to settle in before everyone got there. When you walk in Eddie is sitting in his dungeon master's chair looking over his campaign one more time. He looks up as the door opens.
"Oh hi Eddie! I didn't realize you'd be here early."
"Hey! Yeah just going over last minute things, ya know.. do you need any help?" He stands and walks over to you.
"Uh sure! You can help me set these out!" You set down the containers and start to spread them out nicely.
"These look incredible! Just like our shirts!" Eddie smiles ear to ear.
"Thank you! I tried to get them as close as possible." You chuckle. There's one container left, and you and Eddie reach for it at the same time. Your hands touch and he quickly pulls away.
"Sorry." He looks away fidgeting his rings.
"Oh no it's ok." You smile shyly and put them out. The rest of the club shows up and the game gets underway. You watch on as Eddie enthusiastically narrates the game. You laugh and smile the whole time. You really were starting to gain interest in learning. The group kills Vecna and everyone cheers. They all head out thanking you for the cookies that were now gone. You start to clean, and Eddie comes up beside you. You smile at each other.
"That was really fun. I'm glad you asked me to join."
"Yeah? You think so?" He blushes a little.
"Totally! I want to learn now!"
"Well maybe you can come over one day and I'll teach you the basics." Eddie doesn't expect you to agree. You both finish cleaning up at that moment, and you swing your bag over your shoulder.
"Ok! Sounds like a date!"
"A date!?" Eddie looks shocked. You giggle, hand him a piece of paper with your number on it, and kiss his cheek.
"I'll see you later Eddie." You walk out of the room. Eddie stands there in total disbelief, and puts his hand to where your lips met his cheek.
"It's going to be my year. '86 baby!"

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