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"I can't wait for Eddie to get home. He's going to love  that I made a nice dinner, and I just can't wait to cuddle up on the couch with him."  You thought to yourself, as you stirred the sauce on the stove. You and Eddie had saved up just enough money to get your own trailer together. You two had graduated a little over a year ago, and just recently moved in. Money was tight. Very tight. You worked at the local grocery store, and Eddie worked at a record store, while also doing his original side gig. It was just you two against the world. You were preparing spaghetti, and some garlic bread. A step up from the usual pbj's or ramen you were used to. You were so excited to surprise him. You checked the noodles that had been boiling, and turned off the stove before draining the water. Just then you hear the door swing open.
"Hi handsome!" You call out cheerfully from the kitchen.
"Hi, sweetheart." Eddie bends as he takes off his shoes.
"Smells good in here!" You appear from the kitchen.
"Yeah! I got everything together to make spaghetti! Noodles were on sale for $1 and I got the sauce reduced because it's about to expire, and one of the freezers went down at work, so I got to grab a box of garlic bread for free!" You stared up at the boy, smiling, sounding truly so ecstatic at your finds. Eddie's mood seemed to shift. He flashed a half hearted smile.
"That's great, y/n. I'm sure it's delicious." You sense the sudden change, but figured he maybe had a hard day.
"Sit. I'll bring it out to you." You kiss his cheek and return to the kitchen, fixing you both plates. Eddie sinks into a chair at your tiny dining set. He places his cheek in his palm. He really is down and out.
"Here you go my love." You place his plate in front of him, and take your seat.
"Thank you." He picks up his fork, and spins it in the noodles before bringing it to his mouth.
"Very good, baby." He smiles as he swallows his food. You finish your bite.
"Thank you. How was work?" You both continue eating.
"Oh, it wasn't so bad. The usual. People buying garbage music. How was your day?"
"It was ok. We were pretty busy with the sale." You shrug your shoulders. The rest of the dinner is quiet as you both finish your food. You could tell something was up with Eddie. Usually he'd rant on and on about people and their record purchases. How no one appreciates "real music." You go to stand as you both are finished and he stops you.
"No, no. Go relax. I got this. You made a delicious meal, I'll do the dishes." He kisses the top of your head as he grabs your plate. You plop on the couch, and scroll through the few channels you receive, settling on some black and white film. After about 20 minutes Eddie joins you. You watch him. His body language. He sits on the opposite end of the couch, and stares blankly ahead.
"Yeah?" His eyes still ahead.
"What's wrong?" He turns his head to you.
"Nothing, sweets."
"Eddie I can tell somethings wrong. Spit it out." He sighs heavily, and rests his forehead in his palm.
"It's just, you, you deserve so much more." A shockwave goes through your heart. Eddie continues talking.
"Hearing you talk, how excited you were about the groceries you got today, it broke my heart. Sale items, nearly expired stuff? You should be dining at 5 star restaurants! Not pinching pennies just to put together a meal." He starts flailing his hands around.
"I mean, look at this place. A run down trailer." He scoffs.
"You should be living in your dream house. THAT'S what you deserve. I'm failing you, y/n. Seeing how worn out you are after working all day.. I wish you didn't even have to work. You could just stay home, or do whatever you wanted to do with your time. I should be providing for you." His hands come to rest on his forehead again, and he begins to rub his eyes due to stress.
"Eddie... don't you see? I don't care about any of that. I care about you. You do provide for me. You provide love, and affection, and a safe place to come to when I need it. That's more important to me than money, or material things. And I happen to like Rusty!" You laugh, causing a chuckle and a small smile from Eddie. Rusty is what you both affectionately call your trailer. You slide closer to him on the couch.
"I promise you stud, there's nowhere else I'd rather be. And no one else I'd rather be doing life with." Eddie looks up at you, his signature grin plastered across his face.
"C'mere you!" He grabs your arms, and pulls you to him. You laugh, and yell out as you end up on his lap. You're both laughing as you stare into each other's eyes. He leans in and kisses you passionately, before pulling away. His hands rest on your hips, as yours curl in his hair.
"Y'knowww, I can be quite the penny pincher. And since we both still need to shower for the night, I might just know a way we can save on water." You smirk. You've peaked his interest as he plays along.
"Oh, you do, huh? Well then, lead the way M'lady." He returns a smirk. You stand up while giggling, and run for the bathroom. Eddie sits, admiring you for a second, before following behind you.

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