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"Sick of crying,tired of trying
Yeah I am smiling
But inside I am dying"


Oh you can do it soobin
Boemgyu reassured me

Ask her ,come on

No I can't ,I would prefer a lunch later like is it obvious?

Oh god leave,he pushed me out from the car

I entered the gift shop again just to see her working,busy adjusting the stuff kept Inside the shelf

She noticed my presence and waved at me

I waved back

Before I could speak she placed the teddy bear and the bouquet Infront of me

Oh maybe you are too annoyed of me

Her eyes widened.
Oh no soobin I am sorry I didn't meant to-

I was kidding
Well if you really want to apologize,you need to listen to me

I said terrifying her

What do you mean

I am invitung you at my place,it's actually my birthday party,so I thought you could join

Oh ofcourse I would
She said with a smile plastered on her face

Thanks Yeonbi,I hope I didn't asked for something big

It's day after tomorrow

No you didn't,I will come,I promise

I waved at her and left the shop

I excitedly walked towards my brother

As I made my way there my head started  paining

I felt my eyes closing

My brother called me again as I tried not to collapse

I walked towards his car

He held my hand preventing me from falling

Hyung didn't you take your medicines?

I did

I am taking you to the hospital

No don't boemgyu,I don't want to ruin my birthday party

Take me home,I will rest a bit and every thing will be fine

He tried convincing me  but I denied and then we went home

As I told her day after tomorrow would be my birthday party,I invited my freinds

At least this will be the best birthday gift I will get before dying


Story will end soon as this is a short story

So stay tuned

Gift Shop[Choi Soobin]Where stories live. Discover now