Perfect little playmate~

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The next day

(Time: 6:00am)

"What a rough night it feels like my insides have been ripped apart."

You look around only to find yourself in your messy room.

"How did I get in here?"

Your mind flashes back to yesterday evening. The last thing you remember is his tongue slowly licking your clit.

"I must've spaced out" You grab your phone to see 15 missed calls from Jeffrey. "Overprotective much?"

You scroll down to see 10 missed phone calls from an unknown number. Then suddenly your phone rings.

(Ring, Ring)

Looking down you see that it is the same unknown number that's been calling you before. Curious you pick up.

"Hello?" You ask

"Hey, is this Ms.(F/N)? The mysterious voice asks.

"Well did you get my number?"

"Oh, you don't remember yesterday?"

You stare at the phone as sweat starts dripping down your face. Thinking back to yesterday.


"Of course! You remember!" Mr.sangwoo says excitedly. "You tuned out after a while and fell asleep."

"How did I get here?" You ask confused.

Sangwoo's POV

Staring at his beige living room wall, imagining the events yesterday. Thinking of how helpless you looked.

Talking to you seems to arouse him.

Sangwoo reaches into his bag and pulls out a pair of black lingerie.

"Guess what I have?" Sangwoo says as he pulls the lingerie close to his face.

"How am I supposed to know?" (F/N) says as she tries not to recall the events from yesterday.

"Here is a little hint"

Sangwoo starts licking the spot were your clit would be on the lingerie.

"Are you missing a pair of lingerie?"

(F/N) walks towards the dresser beside her bed.

"What the hell does that mean?" She thinks to herself.

(F/N) pulls open the middle drawer to search through it. In the pile lingerie she notices every single pair is there. Two red, and two green floral decorated.

"You have it....dont you?" (F/N) says as she squinches her eyebrows in anger.

Sangwoo removes the black lingerie from his face. "Of course I do, couldn't leave without a trophy could I?" He says seductively.


Feeling faintish you hang up the phone. He has always felt creepy to you, but now it feels more like he has changed in a more perverted way.

"What the hell is wrong with that creep?"

Walking towards the bathroom your stomach feels a bit nauseous.

"Ah shit!"

Ten minutes later after nearly puking your insides out. You suddenly fall to the floor beside the bathtub. Not being able to crawl to your room the bathtub seems like the perfect resting place.

Crawling into the tub you hear the front door unlock.

"H-huh?" You say as your vision goes blurry.

Sangwoo walks to the bathroom door looking down at you.

"A keeper" He says

Then everything goes black

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