1. foreign exchange

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It was Monday, the first day of school and the last year of school until San goes to the university he wants. San nervously gets ready for school as he adjusts his shirt. San hasn't been to a Korean school before and was always used to just wearing clothes he wanted to wear. But here in Korea he had to wear a uniform.

It was not even that, that made him nervous, it was how nervous he was to even speak Korean as he thinks he forgot it. In Mexico he would always just speak Spanish and he got used to it. If it was his parents he would speak both languages. His parents were really proud of him for knowing both languages. His parents were having a little to much fun over there that they had baby San.

Both of his parents were Korean and were born in Korea. He just happened to be born here. Actually he was supposed to be born in Korea but he was born earlier than expected so I guess he was just born to be Latina.

As San gets ready his mom comes up to his room to give him his breakfast as she gives motherly advice to San.

"You know we only came here so you would know how it feels to be educated here and to make Korean friends. Don't be nervous and if someone makes fun of you, you come tell me okay?" Sans mom rubs his head and messes up his perfectly styled hair. San smiles at her and as she leaves he starts to fix his hair that he worked on for 30 minutes.

It was 8:00am and school started at 8:25am, so san quickly gets some touch ups and heads down stairs to leave and go to school. He says his goodbyes to his parents and finally leaves. His converse hitting the ground as he quickly walks to the bus stop.

As he makes it early to the bus stop he waits a few minutes for the next bus to come. After 5-7 minutes a bus comes and parks infront of the bus stop. San let's the elder people get on first and then finally gets on.

The bus ride was really quiet than what he excepted. It was usually a bit loud in Mexico, but he actually felt comfortable on the bus even with the silence filling the air. He puts his earbuds in and listens to some music to calm his nerves from how nervous he was.

What if people made fun of him?

What if people don't want him there?

It was 8:20am and San only just arrived so he quickly heads towards the schools office. As he enters he sees every teachers head turn to him which causes him to react a bit. He bows down as he parents taught him and they bow a bit back to him. One of the female teachers there goes up to him to probably check his information.

"Hello, you must be San!" Says the pretty female teacher in front of him. San nods as he's to nervous to talk. "Well I have to check some things before we introduce you to your classmates" she says in a huge smile as she goes through all her papers. She then tells San to follow her to her desk so he could be comfortable.

As he's seated on the other side of the desk, the teacher starts to ask him questions.

"So you're from Mexico?" The teacher says as she looks up at San for confirmation. "Yea" San says as he looks at the wall behind her to avoid eye contact. "Thats great! I'm sure you're going to make many friends here, everyone here is supportive!" She says in a huge smile and her cheeks turn into a bit of a pink shade as she smiles.

San found her really comfortable to be around, he hopes he sees her again after all of this. "Oh by the way I'm Ms. Kim" she reaches out her hand to shake Sans hand. San reaches his hand out to shake Ms. Kim's hand. She smiles really wide and signals him to follow her. San nods and gets up from his seat.

Ms. Kim leads San into a hallway with tons of classes and kids already in them. He gets nervous as he gets close to his destination. Ms. Kim stops which makes San stop too. "Here's your class, are you ready to go in?" She asks as shes already holding onto the door to open it. San nods once again and they enter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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